Format and submissons


We invite you to submit a paper in one of four categories. 

  • First cut papers. Papers under development can be submitted to the “First Cut Papers” section. These papers will be featured in conference sessions designed to provide the maximum amount of feedback to authors. Papers in this category should be submitted as an extended abstract up to a maximum of 1500 words, including title and abstract. You will not be required to submit a full-length paper in advance of the conference.
  • Conference papers. Well-developed manuscripts nearing journal submission or publication can be submitted to the “Conference Papers” section. Papers in this category can be up to a maximum of 3000 words including title and abstract. You will not be required to submit a full length paper in advance of the conference
  • Alternate Format Submissions (Symposia, Panels, etc.). We also welcome submissions for alternative types of sessions, including symposia, interactive panel discussions, workshops, and other innovative formats (feel free to be creative!). Unlike the pa-per submissions, these submissions are not blind review and should include a title page with the names, affiliations, and roles of people who will be leading, presenting, or speaking in the session. Alternate format submissions should be no longer than 3000 words (including title page, abstract, figures/tables, references etc.). Successful submissions will typically be assigned a 1.5-hour session within the conference program. Please note that we have limited space for alternate sessions. 
  • Doctoral and Early career colloquium. Doctoral students, junior faculty members, and other early career researchers are also encouraged to submit a paper for inclusion in the “Paper Development Session” of the Doctoral and Early career colloquium to be held on June 14th. Papers can be up to a maximum of 3000 words (including title, abstract, figures/tables etc.) excluding references.

Submission Procedures 

In all categories, papers should be submitted in MSWord or PDF with double spacing, 12pt Times New Roman font, numbered pages, and APA-style citations. Your paper should clearly explain the relevance of the chosen topic, the research question, theoretical back-ground, and the contribution of the research. Empirical papers should provide an overview of their methodology, analysis, and main findings. 


To facilitate double-blind review please ensure your submission document excludes any author names or identifying information. In-stead, details of authorship can be provided through the paper submission system. 


Important dates

Submission deadline for First cut papers, Conference papers, and Alternate format submissions: October 15th, 2022 @ 23:59 EST 

Submission deadline for Doctoral and Early career colloquium submissions:        

October 15th, 2022 @ 23:59 EST 

Submission portal:

Queries should be sent via email: 

Delegate fees 

Delegate Fees (Regular) 650 €

Delegate Fees (Student Conf only) 350 € 

Delegate Fees (Student Inc Doc Coll) 400 € 

Delegate Fees (Doc Coll Only) 200 €

Registration and participation fee is due by:

February 28th, 2023 

Cancellations made before March 15th, 2023 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date. 

Data protection 

The data controller is LUT University. More detailed information on the processing of personal data and contact details of the data controller and the data protection officer can be found at You can also find information about your data protection rights on that page. The people having access to data will be the conference organizers and the service providers used in the arrangements. The data will be stored for 6 months after the conference ends except for the programme information which will be stored for ten years.