Solo Sokos Hotel Lahden Seurahuone

Accommodation, 10-12 October 2023

Room Types:

Solo single room 

Solo double room 

Solo Up single room 

Solo Up double room 


Room prices include breakfast from the buffet and S-Card service benefits for the holder of a personal card (more information

The hotel rooms are at your disposal after 15:00 on the day of arrival and they are handed over on the day of departure at 12:00 at the latest.

Booking instructions:

When booking directly with the hotel, Booking code: FSRC2023

Sokos Hotels National Sales Service: +358300 870 000

Solo Sokos Hotel Lahten Seurahuone, tel. 020 1234 655,


Call price €0.0835/call + €0.1209/min


Via the website, Reservation ID: BFSRC2023

(Choose the correct city and accommodation dates, the reservation code is entered in the "Reservation codes" section)

Finnish Sales Research Conference

FSRC Registration and contact

The registration is open from March 6th to August 31st, 2023.