
Lappeenranta is located northeast of Helsinki, about 220 km away, by the lake Saimaa, the largest lake in Finland.

Lappeenranta has twice been chosen as the climate capital of Finland. It is also one of the greenest cities in Europe and won the European Green Leaf Award in 2021.

Find more about Lappeenranta, its history, and what to do in the city from -

How to get here

By plane: 

There is also a direct flight twice a week from the Bergamo airport in Italy to the Lappeenranta airport (for a schedule, check

By plane and train (or shared taxi): 

Train: The easiest way to reach Lappeenranta from Helsinki Vantaa Airport (HEL) is by train. A local commuter train leaves the airport every 10 minutes and connects to Tikkurila station, where you can change to the direct train to Lappeenranta. The train ride is about 2 hours long. 

Shared taxi: If your flight arrives later than the last train leaving Helsinki (usually around 9 PM), you can order a shared taxi service from Taksi Saimaa to pick you up from the HEL airport and bring you to your accommodation in Lappeenranta. It is also available if your flight is in early morning and you won't reach it with the first train leaving Lappeenranta. See more info on the schedule and how to prebook it here.

Bus: Getting to the city center from the train station is easiest by bus. Bus line 5 leaves from Lappeenranta train station to the city center every 15 to 30 minutes. It is also possible to walk to the city center from the train station, which is about 1 km away. 

The LUT campus and conference venue are located 6 km west of the city center. Two bus lines, lines 1 and 5, connect the city center and the LUT campus, ensuring very easy travel of about 15-20 mins long. The bus stop at the city center is called "Keskusta" and the LUT campus is called “Yliopisto.” 


Information about trains and train tickets: - Note! The train tickets to/from the Helsinki Vantaa Airport for trips after 12.8 will be available for purchase starting the 4th of July.

Information about the shared late-night/early-morning shared taxi service:

Information about the local bus timetable:

A website that has timetables and routes for multimodal transportation in Finland: 


The special rate for the conference participants is available at the hotel, which is located at Lappeenranta city center, ca. 5 km from the LUT University (conference venue):

Orginal Sokos Hotel Lappee

Brahenkatu 1, Lappeenranta


  • 13-17 August 2024 

€136 / single room / day 

€146 / double room / day 

  • 17-18 August 2024 

€112 / single room / day 

€127 / double room / day

The room prices include a rich buffet breakfast, use of the gym and the residents' sauna and swimming pool section during opening hours.

You can make reservations at these prices until July 24, 2024 and until the rooms are available. 

Rooms can be booked at the prices mentioned above at using the booking code: BMCGILLIE2024 

OR directly from the hotel by stating the reservation code BMCGILLIE2024 or reservation number 27583624: 010 7621000 OR e-mail:


Other hotels in Lappeenranta

In the hotels listed below, you can get -10% off the price if you make the reservation directly to the hotel by phone or email and mention our conference. This offer is available until July 13, 2024. 

  • Hotel Lähde is located near the harbor of Lappeenranta, close to the city centre 

Ainonkatu 17/12  
53100 Lappeenranta  
Tel. +358 44 766 5005, Email: 

  • Hotel Rakuuna is located close to the city centre, in the historic Rakuunamäki area

Mannerheiminkatu 8  
53900 Lappeenranta  
Tel. +358 10 340 2040, Email: