The doctoral network ”Mem-Fast” arranges training activities on Transferrable and subject specific skills. The following training activities will be arranged during doctoral studies:

Big picture of biorefining and future needs for membrane applications (5 days, 2.5 ECTS)

Key topics: Overview on biorefining, raw materials and products, market needs & possibilities, development trends in bioeconomy, design of experiments in biorefining experiments, good laboratory practices in biorefinery experiments

Transferable skills for advanced education (5 days, 2.5 ECTS)

  • Dissemination of results including social media for scientists, open science and hints and tips for scientific writing, 
  • Data and Intellectual property management, project management,
  • Research integrity and ethics in research, Code of conduct in science, Gender dimension in research

Membrane technology as a tool in biorefinery applications (5 days, 2.5 ECTS)

  • Fundamentals, transport kinetics, configurations
  • Industrial applications
  • Limitations and development trends

Membrane bioreactors and catalytic membrane processes in biorefining ((5 days, 2.5 ECTS)

  • Fundamentals, transport kinetics, configurations
  • Case-studies
  • Possibilities & challenges

Starting your own membrane company (5 days, 2.5 ECTS)

  • Entrepreneurships, company
  • Patents
  • Finance
  • Start-up subsidies

Participation in organisation of a membrane conference “Engineering with membranes” (2.5 ECTS)

  • Participation in the organisation team of the conference (marketing, finding the sponsors, planning the social activities)
  • Dissemination of the top results of the DC projects in an own “membrane for biorefining session”
  • Participating in the other sessions and reviewing the scientific highlights of the other presentations
  • After the conference: Presentation of the highlights of the conference for the other DCs and their supervisors and planning of future research needs based on the findings and the results