Nearly 50 entries were submitted for the 2024 Metsä360 competition. A panel of judges chose the top three:
First prize (3,000 euros): Tulevaisuuden ja menneisyyden aarre (Treasure of the future and the past)
Submitted by: Naukio school, Kouvola (Kaapo Nummenpää)
The panel especially appreciated how the video showcased the wide-ranging value and uses of forests. The competition entry highlighted the forest industry, construction, the circular economy, and carbon sinks. The work was done meticulously, and the sources were referenced in an exemplary way.
Second prize (2,000 euros): Esteetön metsä (Accessible forest)
Submitted by: Myllymäki school, Lappeenranta
The competition entry was highly visual and insightful. It shed light on a very important issue, and the panel gave credit to the team for the practical implementation. The panel appreciated the humour of the work and found that its silent film format stood out from the other entries.
Third prize (1,000 euros): 25 asiaa, joita voi tehdä metsässä (25 things to do in a forest)
Submitted by: Tapiola school, Espoo
The competition entry showed high quality, was filmed very well, and had a humorous tone. The panel also commended the music – especially the fact that the cast played instruments themselves.