We had an interesting forenoon in Lahti on Tuesday 21.11.2023 at 10:05-12:05 where five oral presentations were given by experts of each work package. At first, Krista Koljonen (LUT) introduced shortly the BioProt, explaining the aims and participants of the project, and Katja Lahikainen (CST, LUT) chaired the two-hour session. In the afternoon after the oral presentations, we introduced six posters of different topics and had lively discussions during the poster session. BioProt project thanks the participants for the interest in the BioProt project. The project members also acknowledge Lahti University Campus for organizing the Lahti Science Day. Abstracts for the oral and poster presentations can be found in www.lahdenyliopistokampus.fi/lahden-tiedepaiva/.
BioProt is a two and half -year project started at the beginning of 2022 and has been funded by Business Finland, including six research institutes (LUT, LAB, VTT, JYU, Luke, HU), four companies with own projects (Lifa Air, Teknikum, Premix, Teknos) and five In-kind companies (HUS, Mehiläinen, Berner, Optitune, Lindström Group).
BioProt session at 10:05-12:05 in A127
Five oral presentation covered the entire project, starting with bio-based materials, continuing with quality assurance issues, antimicrobial substances, health care views on future face masks, and ending up with the business models and procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE).

BioProt posters at 12:05-12:40 in A117 Tapahtuma areena
Abstracts of oral presentations (p. 44-50) and posters (p. 80-85) can be found in www.lahdenyliopistokampus.fi/lahden-tiedepaiva/ through the link "Lahden tiedepäivän abstraktit 2023".
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