The training programme will satisfy the requirement of complementary studies for 40 ECTS credits in addition to the training through research work for the doctoral degree. Each SEED DC will have a dedicated study plan that will be agreed upon with the supervisory team at the beginning of the programme and that is included in the personal career development plan (PCDP).

SEED scholar programme

Training by research

Doctoral dissertation includes at least 4 peer-reviewed publications on the research and the summary thesis on the work.

  • Knowledge of research methods and practices.
  • Skills in scientific writing for publications and understanding of the publication process.
  • Experience gained through secondments on interdisciplinary and intersectoral environments.


Complementary studies (40 ECTS Credits)

Transferrable skills

  • Grant writing course
  • Entrepreneurship for Academics
  • Communication and management
  • Other voluntary courses, including language courses on Finnish and English
  • Confidentiality and IP Management.


Subject specific skills

  • Doctoral courses offered by LUT and partner organisations
  • Courses offered by training networks
  • Book reviews
  • Conferences and seminars


Scholar programme activities

The SEED programme will introduce annual Scholar Training Schools, which will be supported by our wide partner network. The training schools will be held at LUT and they will gather the DCs and supervisors from LUT and partner organisations. The Scholar Training Schools will be built around Scholar Events and specific training courses. The Scholar Events promote awareness and collaboration across research themes targeting the objectives of the programme. Each training school will have a specific topic course that is relevant to all DCs and supports the development of key transferable skills.


Secondment programme

Each DC will have in their project two secondment periods, 10-12 months in academic partner organisation abroad and 4-6 months in non-academic partner organisation in Finland. We have overall 12 industrial partners each acting as secondment host providing guidance for their Doctoral Candidate and offering experience in non-academic environment for the DCs. Industry representatives also participate in the Scholar Training Schools in discussions but also in the training. For example, they will have active role in the workshop on developing a business idea.