

The registration fees must be paid prior to the conference.

The registration fee includes admission to plenary and scientific sessions, proceedings, the welcome reception, gala dinner, lunches, and coffee breaks. Hotel and travel costs are not included in the registration fee.

In order for a paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings, at least one author is required to register and pay the registration fee.

An extra fee of 150 € is due per extra paper/presentation.

Students: To register as a student, one must be a bachelor, master or a PhD student. An official proof of student status is required. The organizers reserve the right to verify the student status.

Letter of Invitation (for Visa Application): Only participants fully registered in the conference can obtain a personal invitation letter and only once the full payment of the registration fee is received.

Participant's status Early Bird (Deadline: 12.5.2023) Regular (Deadline 23.5.2023)
Author 550 € 600 €
Student author 450 € 550 €
Participant - IEEE Member 600 € 700 €
Participant 700 € 800 €
Additional paper 150 € 150 €




Registration to the conference is done through the ConfTool. 

Link to ConfTool

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline 31.1.2023 

Abstract notification 3.2.2023

Full paper submission deadline 22.3.2023

Notification on full paper 24.4.

Conference 6.–8. June 2023

Contact information

Email: eem23@lut.fi