Clean electricity and hydrogen are at the core of the energy transition. Their production and use will allow shifting from fossil energy sources to clean energy. A carbon-neutral energy and material system is possible when electricity is generated in an emission-free manner, such as with wind or solar power, electricity is used wherever possible, or electricity is converted chemically to other goods, such as chemical products. This shift requires adjustments in infrastructure and proactive actions, and it is driven by regulation and economic incentives.
The project is carried out from 1st of January 2022 to 30th of October 2024 and is financed by Business Finland.
The goal of the research is to identify new P2X value chains that are based on Finland’s renewable energy resources, and to provide guidance for building the optimal and efficient energy infrastructure that aligns with the energy transition goals.
The research project is conducted jointly together by LUT University (LUT), Tampere University (TAU), and the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), with LUT University being the research leading party. The research budget was 4,5 million Euros and the co-innovation budget exceeded 10 million Euros.
The project coordination and consortium are described here.