A natural outcome of a research project is a scientific article or a book chapter. Primarily, they serve the scientific community and contribute to scholarly discourses. All such achievements produced in the HYGCEL research project are linked to these result pages. The findings of the research groups, summarising the academic work done in these groups, are reported individually in Task -templates. The third category of results, called the “key messages,” is intended for a wider audience, for example, in industry and among policymakers. They attempt to give an overall context in a concise format of what the project has accomplished.
These pages will be constantly updated until the end of the project.
- Academic achievements refer to the scholarly work produced during the project, including articles and publications that contribute to the understanding of sustainable energy.
- Final results refer to summaries of results gained in individual research groups inside work packages during the research and are documented on a project template.
- Key messages summarise the knowledge gained during the project and point out the main messages of it.
