On this page

Registration consists of paying the registration fees and filling out the registration form (also sending the abstract, if applicable).

Registration fees (in EUR)

There are three categories regarding registration fees: Heikki Haario 70, traditional Inverse Days, and both (referred to as Whole event). For each category, there is an early-bird registration fee and a regular registration fee.

  Heikki Haario 70 event Traditional event Whole event
Early-bird, by 13 October


        230         360
Regular, by 13 November         150         250         400

Note on the dates: 

  • Heikki Haario 70 (Statistics meets Inverse Problems) is from 11-12 December
  • Traditional Inverse Days (main event) is from 13-15 December
  • Whole event refers to both, meaning from 11-15 December

The fees include participation, lunches (on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), coffee refreshments every day, an Ice-breaker on Monday, a conference dinner on Thursday and a bowling event for PhD students and postdocs on Wednesday evening.

If you bring an accompanying person to the conference dinner, please indicate that in the registration form (additional information) and pay dinner cost 64€/person (contact the organisers for details).


How to pay registration fees

The payment can be done as a wire transfer by the corresponding registration deadline. We cannot accept cash or payment cards of any kind. Wire transfers should be made to the account of the Finnish Inverse Problems Society:

  • Account owner: Suomen inversioseura
  • IBAN: FI72 1012 3000 2079 18

Use the following reference numbers:

  • 211116        Regular payment, one person
  • 211129        Early bird payment, one person
  • 211213        Group payment (send email to organisers with a transfer receipt and a list of names with their corresponding payment category)


Registration form

Together with paying registration fees, you should also fill out the registration form below, indicating in particular which dates you are attending and whether you are going to give a talk. 

Registration form: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/inversedays2023


Abstract submissions

If you wish to give a talk or a pitch talk (i.e. 5 minute-talk) at the main event of the conference, indicate that in the registration form (note, talk schedule for Mon-Tue is full). Upon completing the registration form, submit the abstract of your talk by emailing the .tex file to inversedays@lut.fi, using the following LaTeX template: [Access this template on Overleaf]



\title{Insert title here}

\author{Firstname Lastname (a), \underline{Firstname Lastname} (b)}

% underline indicates the speaker

\date{(a) Department, University, City, Country\\ (b) Company, City, Country}




text here


%Name your file as YourName_ID2023

The submission deadline is 13 November 23:59.