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Plenary speakers

Dr. Cornelia Grabe

German Aerospace Center DLR, Germany

Prof. David Greiner

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Prof. Rainald Löhner

George Mason University, USA

Prof. Marko Mäkelä

University of Turku, Finland

Dr. W. J. Vankan

Netherlands Aerospace Centre, Netherlands

Dr. Cornelia Grabe, German Aerospace Center DLR, Germany

Prof. David Greiner, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Prof. Rainald Löhner, George Mason University, USA

Prof. Marko Mäkelä, University of Turku, Finland

Dr. W. J. Vankan, Netherlands Aerospace Centre, Netherlands

Program at a glance

Please note that the Program at a Glance is tentative and subject to change.

New Program at a glance

Full program


Social program

  • September 15, Get together Reception
  • September 16, Appreciation Dinner (by invitation) for plenary speakers and MS and STS organizers and keynote speakers
  • September 17, Congress Banquet