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We invite researchers and technologists to organize a Mini-Symposium (MS) or a Special Technology Session (STS) at EUROGEN 2025. Additionally, authors are encouraged to submit individual contributing papers.
A Mini-Symposium (MS) or a Special Technology Session (STS) covers one or several of the conference topics (see list below). An MS addresses novel methods and tools with a more upstream, research-oriented focus, while an STS focuses on innovative technologies with industrial and societal applications. Organizers of an MS or STS will select the contributing papers for their session.
We encourage submissions that explore innovative methods for optimizing design and control using evolutionary algorithms, multi-objective optimization, and other advanced strategies.
The conference aims to address challenges in maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in engineering systems through advanced modeling and optimization strategies.
Important dates
Abstracts for Contributing Papers due: March 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance of Contributing Papers: April 7, 2025
Conference topics
Major Application Areas
- Aeronautical Aerospace and Space Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Bioengineering and Biomedical Sciences
- CAD and Manufacturing
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Economics and Finance
- Electromagnetics and Electronics
- Energy, Environment and Climate
- Logistics
- Maritime Engineering
- Material Science and Technology
- Multiscale optimization in Micro-and-Nano-Mechanics
- Offshore, Coastal and Marine Engineering and Operations
- RAMS and Risk Analysis
- Telecommunications
- Turbomachinery
- Smart & Composite Materials and Structures
- Urban Mobility
Algorithmic Topics
- Adjoint based and One-shot Methods
- Artificial Intelligence, Surrogates-Metamodels and Fuzzy Systems
- Cloud computing, GPGPU computing environment
- Design Optimization under Uncertainties
- Game Strategies
- Goal oriented optimization for mesh and meshless methods
- Hybrid Methods, Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms, Machine Learning
- Life-cycle design optimization and structural health monitoring
- Linear, nonlinear, stochastic, parametric, discrete and dynamic programming & modeling
- Mathematical programming, constraint programming
- Multi-criteria decision Making
- Multidisciplinary, Multiphysics and Multi-objectives and Multi-criteria Optimization Methods
- Optimization in Micro- and Nano-Mechanics
- Parallel and Distributed Computing in Optimization
- Robust Design & Reliability Based Design Optimization
- Shape and Topology Optimization
Abstract submission - MS and STS
Please submit a brief description of the Mini-Symposium or Special Technical Session (MS/STS) you wish to organize and chair, along with the proposed title, by February 28, 2025. Additionally, include the names of four recommended speakers, one of whom can be designated as a keynote speaker if you so choose. The session will be two hours in duration. You can find the template for your MS/STS submission attached here.
Please upload your submission in a pdf format using the 'Upload Your Submission' button below.
Abstract submission - contributing papers
Please submit a one-page abstract of your contributing paper using the attached template by March 31, 2025. You will be notified of the review outcome via email on April 7, 2025. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book on the conference website. To be included in the Final Program, at least one author must register and pay the fee by July 1, 2025.
Please upload your submission in a pdf format using the 'Upload Your Submission' button below.