
My name is Anastasiia and I am LUT Alumni from 2017. Sounds just like yesterday, but time has passed and I’ve got a chance to promote my skills and knowledge a bit. Now I am the CMO of the Finnish startup brand called Glostars.

But let’s rewind a little.

In the early 2010s, I studied business administration in Mikkeli and then moved to international marketing management to Lappeenranta. Obtained two degrees from Finnish universities, got a job in the Finnish marketing agency and moved to complete freelancing. Later on joined the startup and since then have been actively involved in strategic marketing, branding, community management, and a range of typical startup activities like multitasking, fund-raising etc.

I’m not a big fan of talking about myself, as I prefer my work and my results to speak for me (and you are more than welcome to connect on Linkedin). Yet I’d be very happy to know more about you and how I could be of help. We will definitely find suitable time slots to have fruitful and fun conversations and figure out the best solutions to the questions you are facing. So when are we starting? :)

Studies at LUT: Business Administration, 2017

Mentoring language: English

Photo of Anastasiia K
I’d be very happy to know more about you and how I could be of help.
Anastasiia K.
CMO, Glostars, Finland