
My name is Hadi and I was born in 1989 in Iran. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years in LAN parties and basketball courts. I wasn’t the perfect student, but somehow, I managed to get my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering in 2011. After that I began applying to universities in Europe for my master’s degree. Rejection letters began to come, one after another, until, on a Thursday morning, I looked into my inbox and saw an email from LUT. My application was accepted!  It meant the world to me - I was flying with the clouds. 

Fast forward to summer 2013, I am in Ruskonlahdenkatu. Ready to begin my master’s in GMIT, experience the winter and of course, the student parties. I slowly began to understand myself and who I wanted to become. Innovation methods, global projects and cross-cultural experiences, they made me excited, and I felt home. 

After my graduation in 2016 I landed a Skype call with a professor in Tokyo, and that was the beginning of my journey here in Japan. Since then, I have been involved in multimillion-dollar projects where we developed safe, reliable and stylish buses. Since 2020, I have my own team of product managers, we handle the entire portfolio of Mitsubishi Fuso buses in over 50 markets. My current passion is to bring safe and beautiful electric buses to streets of Japan and cities around the world. 

If you are still reading, it means that I haven’t bored you enough to leave. And maybe I can be of some help, in listening to you and your thoughts and share my experiences and advice. LUT means a lot to me, and I would love to give back to the community.

Studies at LUT: Industrial Engineering and Management, 2016

Mentoring language: English

Hadi Salashour
LUT means a lot to me, and I would love to give back to the community.
Hadi Salahshour
Head of Product Management & Marketing, Mitsubishi Fuso, Japan