
My name is Katja Helander and I live in Espoo. I have been studying Energy Technology in Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2010-2015. During my studies I enjoyed Lappeenranta campus and found many long-lasting friendships from there.  In spring 2014 I was in exchange in Bangkok, Asian Institute of Technology.

Energy world has always inspired me and to my luck I managed to get job at Fortum in the core of Nordic electricity markets. Since 2016 I have been working in business unit Trading and Asset Optimization where we have been starting as a “Spot Trader” that is optimizing the production portfolio and bidding it to the day-ahead market. Since my first position I have been working as a business line manager with very interesting field, portfolio management, trading, optimization, development. Recently I have also been working in project management tasks.

I am interested in being a mentor to get an understanding of what todays recently graduated engineers are having on their minds, what kind of possible concerns they see in work-life and what opportunities. Or what companies could do better from their point of view? I hope we could both learn from each other.

Studies at LUT: Energy Technology, 2015

Mentoring language: Finnish or English

Photo of Katja Helander
I am interested to get an understanding of what todays recently graduated engineers are having on their minds.
Katja Helander
Manager Development & Support, Fortum, Finland