
I have been in professional work life already over one decade and always work activities have been related to vehicles and especially Electric Vehicles. I studied bachelor's degree (automotive design engineering) between years 2007-2011 and at the same time got my first touch to practical vehicle designing and manufacturing in university project.

After my bachelor's degree studies, I worked for University of Applied Sciences in electric vehicle projects and outcome of that period was that I jumped to start-up business. I was one of the founders of that company which delivered 50 electrical powertrain systems (complete buses as well) to all around the world. In 2017 I started master’s degree studies in Industrial Management & Engineering program and specialized to Business Analytics. When it was time to finalize master’s degree studies with master’s thesis, I joined global corporation which also operates in Lappeenranta and still I’m working for them related to business development and sales.

I believe that person who is interested in engineering, electrification, entrepreneur, start-up business could utilize my mentoring in optimal way. Building start-up company as a co-founder and board member in parallel with engineering responsibilities was unique and extremely learning process. Reason why I would like to be a mentor is that I want to share my experiences and I see that mentoring improves also my personal development.

I live in Helsinki where my hobbies are relating to urban city life, sports and personal development. I also visit in countryside where I originally come from regularly. There my activities are forest management, fixing farm machines and spending time in summer cottage.

Studies at LUT: Business Analytics, 2022

Mentoring language: Finnish or English

Otto Pietikäinen
Building start-up company as a co-founder and board member in parallel with engineering responsibilities was unique and extreme learning process.
Otto Pietikäinen
System Engineer, Danfoss Editron, Finland