Summer image

International comparisons and university rankings

LUT takes part in university rankings to compare the university's research performance, education quality and international relations with those of other universities.

Research Excellence

The Research Council of Finland funds high-quality scientific research, provides expertise in science and science policy and strengthens the position of science and research. LUT is involved in two of the council’s Centres of Excellence and one Flagship.
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Open science and research

Science is characterized by openness, subjection to criticism, and further advancement. In its strategy, LUT is committed to the promotion of open science.


Auringonnousu usvaisessa kangasmatsässä.

Metsä360 – New value from Finnish forests

LUT University and the Marjatta and Eino Kolli Foundation are working to increase the level of value-added gained from Finnish forests. Our common objective is to strengthen research in this area and to support the growth of a responsible bioeconomy.
Autumn image

Viipuri Prize awardees – past and present

The Viipuri Prize is awarded approximately every other year to a distinguished international researcher whose work significantly influences education and research at the LUT Business School.
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Sustainable development and responsibility

LUT University promotes sustainable development. Our strategic choices, scientific research, academic education and social interaction are all guided by the principles of ecological, economic and social sustainability.