LUT Career Spark internship and master's thesis subsidy is LUT University's subsidy form for employers, who offer an internship or Master's thesis place to an international student. The aim is to support international students' employment and integration into Finnish working life.
Benefits for the employer:
- You get to know a possible future talent of your company. The student offers hers/his potential, know-how, and fresh perspective to the employer.
- LUT Career Spark covers part of the wage costs. LUT pays the subsidy 1200 € - 2200 € directly to the employer.
- Diversity in the organization increases.
Offering an internship or a Master's thesis place for an international student is a low-risk option, when you are considering international talents' employment or if you want to improve your organization's diversity.
Questions about LUT Career Spark? We are happy to help:

Mays Sweidan
Coordinator / Planning Officer
Other external client services