The Doctoral Programme in Energy Systems offers a possibility to study and conduct research leading to a doctoral degree in the following research fields:
The doctoral programme belongs to LUT School of Energy Systems, whose research covers the technologies and systems required for the production, transfer, distribution, markets and use of energy from manufacture and fuels all the way to energy consumption. The strengths of the unit include an in-depth understanding of energy systems, digital design and manufacture of machinery and equipment, as well as demanding welded metal structures.
A doctoral degree, Doctor of Science (Technology) / Doctor of Philosophy, includes doctoral studies (30 ECTS credits) and research typically leading to writing publications and a dissertation that has to be defended publicly. During doctoral education, the student acquires in-depth knowledge of the research field in question in order to be able to apply scientific research methods and generate new scientific knowledge independently.
Doctoral education provides students with the skills and abilities necessary to pursue careers in industry and commerce, as independent entrepreneurs or as professional researchers in the academic sector.
The Doctoral Programme in Energy Systems is a key actor in a national doctoral training network with most important higher education and research institutions in the field. See additional information on the network DTNEEE.
Further information