Our environmental goals are summarised in the sustainable development policy and action plan, which is the foundation for evaluating and developing our operations. Our sustainable development policy and action plan is based on the UN's sustainable development goals and our Trailblazers 2030 strategy.

Our Code of Conduct ensures responsible conduct in all decisions within the authority of LUT or its employees. The Code of Conduct assures that every member of our academic community has equal opportunities to act. The university has signed Society's Commitment to Sustainable Development. 

The Equality Plan promotes equality and strives to prevent and eliminate discrimination. All members of our working and study community must be treated with respect.

LUT University's reports on sustainability

We report on the progress of sustainability goals in relation to the targets that were set. 

LUT is a member of UN Global Compact initiative since March 2021, which aims to win over the companies and businesses to be the spokespersons for sustainability. Learn more in our latest Global Compact report 2023–2025.

LUT Business School also reports on its activities in accordance with the UN's Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).

LUT Business School's PRME reports on sustainability

Sustainability extends to all our stakeholder cooperation, so LUT also requires sustainable operations and transparent reporting from our partners. For example, our goals for the facilities, functions and energy efficiency at the Lappeenranta and Lahti campuses are shared with the property operators, University Properties of Finland (SYK) and Isku Center. LUT began operating in the new, energy-efficient Lahti campus in August 2019. 

Other documents

The quality system ensures that we operate in a systematic and transparent way while continuously evaluating and improving our activities. The university's quality management system is externally audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The audit is valid for six years, until 16 June 2027.

LUT has committed to the European Charter for Researchers and the European Commission's principles of good human resources policy and the continuous development of our research environment. LUT has been granted the HR Excellence in Research quality label in recognition of this fact. 

In its guidelines on openness, LUT University commits to observe good scientific practice and the aims and principles of open science and research. Information about Data Protection here and about Accessibility here.

LUT University supported the first Pride week in Lappeenranta, Finland in 2019.