Assignments and project work are different sized learning tasks performed in study courses. With them students learn to apply the theory to practice. Real life cases make studying more motivational, teach general working skills, and help students to create networks to potential employers.
Offering real life assignment to students is possible in some of the courses at LUT University.
Why to offer an assignment to students?
For companies and other organizations the assignments and project work offer a possibility to
- solve challenges and tasks of different sizes
- get new ideas and aspects usually from cross-cultural student groups and
- get to know future talents and recruit them
What kind of topic is suitable for an assignment?
Smallish and well-defined topics are especially suitable for assignments and project works. They can be e.g. analysis and surveys or smaller idea generation and development tasks. The topics should be easily instructed to the students. The variety of topics is vast. However, they need to have a clear link to the subject of the course and suitable for university level studies.
The scope of the assignment or project work varies according to the course. Quite often the amount of work is about 50-100 hours per student. As many of the assignments will be performed in groups, the amount of work will multiply from the point of view of a company or an organization.