Aini Hadi

I am a Junior Researcher at the Disinformation, Propaganda & Soft Power Research Lab (DPS-Lab) within the Department of Social Science at the School of Engineering Science.
My research interest focuses on the societal impacts of digital media, challenges of disinformation, multi-stakeholder efforts of combating information disorder, as well as the applications of computational social science methods in disinformation research. Additionally, my interest lies in the role of (East Asian) popular culture in soft power and public diplomacy.
I have previously worked as a research associate at the Safer Internet Lab where my work focused on the public’s experience with disinformation. Additionally, I completed my Master’s in Digital Media and Society at Uppsala University, where my research concentrated on the conceptions of Information Disorder and Media and Information Literacy from a multi-stakeholder perspective. I received my Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Studies from the University of California, Irvine. As part of my bachelor's degree, I spent a year at Yonsei University with a focus on political science and diplomacy, and a regional focus on the Korean Peninsula.
Methodological skills: Phenomenography utilizing in-depth qualitative interviews, sentiment analysis, network analysis, NLP
Tools: Gephi, R, STATA, SPSS, python