I am Ville Koskelainen, a 41-year-old electrical engineer living in Kouvola with my family. I graduated from LUT university in 2013, where I majored in electrical engineering and specialized in transmission and distribution networks. My minor was energy technology, with nuclear energy as a subspecialty. In addition, I have a previous B.Sc degree in electronics and communication technology, as well as a vocational degree in electronics.
I have quite a versatile working career, which started as an instrumentation technician intern at Stora Enso paper mill in 1999. After that I worked as an electronics designer for a few years and as a teacher in a vocational school for multiple years. On top of that, I have also worked abroad: three months in the UK during my vocational studies, and one year in the US while working on my university thesis.
Since 2014, I have been working at the Google data center in Hamina. In my current role as the electrical plant engineer, I mostly concentrate on the reliability, maintenance and project related aspects of the data center.
I decided to apply to the LUT mentoring program, this time as I have participated in previous mentoring rounds and found mentoring a nice way to give something back to my old university. Furthermore, I would also like to reconnect with my old university. I would prefer mentoring students who are studying in the field of electrical engineering. For me, a suitable mentee would have a Rick & Morty type of dark sense of humor. Mentoring could be either in Finnish or in English, and the sessions could be remote, or we could meet in person depending on how our schedules would fit together.
Studies at LUT: Electricity Distribution & Market, 2013
Mentoring language: Finnish or English