Agile Finland's Academic Awards 2023. Winners from left to right: Joonas Ryynänen and Katja Kopra-Kullas.
Created 17.4.2023
Updated 18.4.2023

At the end of March, Agile Finland rewarded three master’s theses of special merit related to the field of agile development and published in 2022. The awards were given out this year for the first time, and two winners out of three categories came from LUT. The prize was 1 000 euros.

Joonas Ryynänen received the public favorite award for his thesis “Creating a framework for planning software delivery pipelines”.

“While I was writing this thesis, I was also working for LUT University. The job was to design an online course about the same topic. This arrangement was very good, as it allowed me to do my work and also write my thesis about it,” Ryynänen says. 

Katja Kopra-Kullas was awarded for her Master’s thesis “Perceived change in leadership while adopting agile practices”.

“It was clear to me from the start that the topic would be connected to agility in some way. I was working with the customer service department in my company, and we knew that the ongoing change would be huge for them, especially from the leadership perspective,” Kopra-Kullas says. 

The winners presented their work at the ScanAgile conference organised on 28th of March.