The European Commission has awarded EULiST the title European University Alliance. This means funding that amounts EUR 14.3 million in four years for the alliance of ten universities.
The EULiST alliance was established to support long-term collaboration in the areas of education, research, innovation and service to society. LUT University is a member of the alliance.
"This great success allows EULiST to implement its joint and integrated approaches in social sciences, natural sciences and engineering to develop new sustainable solutions to challenges that we face today and in the future," says Jari Hämäläinen, Chair of the EULiST management board and LUT's vice rector for research and innovation.
To achieve this, EULiST will build an academic ecosystem at the intersection of society and technology, based on European core values. The development of complementary educational opportunities as well as an inter-university campus will promote mobility and bring together teaching staff, students and researchers.
"This is a great start. Now it is time to take our cooperation to the next level,” Hämäläinen says.
The EULiST Members are:
- Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (BUT)
- Institut Mines-Télécom, France (IMT)
- Jönköping University, Sweden (JU)
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland (LUT)
- Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (LUH)
- National Technical University of Athens, Greece (NTUA)
- Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain (URJC)
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia (STU)
- University L’Aquila, Italy (UNIVAQ)
- Vienna University of Technology, Austria (TUW)
More information:

Jari Hämäläinen