Research group
Currently there are three doctoral level researchers, four PhD students and three Master's Students working full time for the publicly funded and contract research projects in close co-operation with companies.
The laboratories of the research group for Industrial Hydrometallurgy are located at Lappeenranta Campus, which is also the work-place of all the researchers. In the laboratories there are equipment for laboratory scale experiments on fundamental phenomena (e.g. equilibrium and kinetics) on all the industrially relevant hydrometallurgical unit processes. In addition the group has indutrial-type reactor-systems for liquid-liquid extraction (mixer-settler cascade, column) and ion exchange (columns). The work stations contain automation and instrumentation for online monitoring and controlling the separation processes. The research group utilized daily the state-of-the-art analytical instruments and knowledge of Analysis Centre in the LUT School of Engineering Science.
Group members

Sami Virolainen

Manivannan Sethurajan

Niklas Jantunen

Santeri Kurkinen