Master of Science in Technology
Study field
Area of study
Chemical Engineering
LUT School of Engineering Sciences
120 ECTS credits
2 years
Form of study
Contact teaching
Start date
When to apply
Regular admission
Starts on 15 December 2024
Tuition fee
EUR 9 000/academic year for non EU/EEA students. No tuition fees for EU/EEA students.
Additional info
Triple degree Erasmus Mundus Master's programme between LUT University (LUT), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in Poland (WUST) and the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain (UCLM).

Clean technologies related to the use of bioprocesses for biofuels, bio-based chemicals and products have an important role in solving the sustainability challenges we face locally and globally.

The Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering educates chemical engineers with a sustainable mindset to develop novel solutions for the bio-based industry.

As a graduate, you will be able to innovate, design and implement bio-based solutions with a sustainable effect for local and global contexts. Programme graduates will have an impact on individuals, societies, industries and governments through new, responsible ways of processing renewable raw materials into valuable products.

The programme also emphasizes the employability of students by developing their career skills. Thus, the programme aims for learning outcomes in both hard and soft skills.

The programme is implemented as a triple degree programme between LUT University (LUT), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in Poland (WUST) and the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain (UCLM). Applications to this Master's programme are submitted through the programme website.


What will you learn in the programme?

LUT University bio products in laboratory

The programme aims to educate a new generation of chemical engineers who have the courage and skills to develop novel sustainable solutions to convert biomass into bioproducts. After the completion of the Master's programme, you will have acquired:

  • knowledge and understanding of the sustainable processing of biomass and the development of new bio-based products;
  • skills in modifying and characterizing bio-based molecules, operating instruments and unit operations, designing and optimizing biorefinery processes, and data analysis;
  • competence in designing, evaluating, and optimizing industrially relevant process concepts to tackle sustainability challenges with bio-based materials and in the execution of impactful decisions in product development;
  • a worldwide professional network that works to solve sustainability challenges through the utilization of bio-based materials;
  • comprehensively developed your intercultural and communicative competencies, which are increasingly required in the globalized labour market.

Degree structure and studies


The Master's Programme Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering is a two-year programme.

After completing the programme, you will receive three degrees from three universities: Master of Science in Technology (major subject: chemical engineering) (LUT), Master of Chemical and Process Engineering (WUST), and Master of Chemical Engineering (UCLM). The degree is 120 ECTS credits.

The programme is divided into four semesters.




Career prospects


The Master's Programme Sustainable Biomass and Bioprocess Engineering will train you for process and product engineering positions, specialist roles or project/team leader positions in biomass processing industries.



The programme will also enable you to conduct research and pursue an academic career.

Possible jobs for graduates are process engineer, product development engineer, specialist in bioprocess engineer, researcher, etc.


See also

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