In our bachelor’s programmes, you will acquire a broad foundation of knowledge and diverse range of skills that will prepare you for the challenges of the future.

The duration of each bachelor's programme is three years, amounting to 180 ECTS credits and leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in the field in question. Each bachelor’s programme gives you the possibility to continue your studies at the master’s level at LUT in your chosen field of specialisation, either directly or through separate admission.

Double degree programmes

In the double degree Bachelor's Programmes in Electrical Engineering, Energy Technology, Mechanical Engineering, and Software and Systems Engineering you will obtain two degrees from LUT and LUT's partner university in China, Hebei University of Technology.

Application periods 

  • Rrolling admission for all English-language bachelor's programmes that start in September 2025 is 1 November 2024–30 April 2025 (for applicants who have completed their degree outside of Finland). Application fees don't apply for 2025 intake in this admission.
  • Regular admission for all English-language bachelor's programmes that start in September 2026 will open in January 2026 (for applicants who have completed their degree in Finland).

Bachelor's programmes in Technology

Bachelor's programme in Business Administration

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