

Michel Risse

UniLaSalle Institut Polytechnic, France

For my first studies abroad, I chose LUT Summer School. It was an incredibly interesting experience. In fact, after these three weeks, I want to go back to Finland and stay there longer.

The business courses themselves gave me an understanding of the main aspects of global and high-technology marketing. They will be helpful for the rest of my master's studies.

Outside the classroom, I really enjoyed meeting with other students with such diverse backgrounds. It was great to get new friends from Finland, Russia, Germany and even Japan! Last but not least, I fell in love with Finnish sauna.

Thank you, LUT Summer School 2022!


Ekaterina Bragina

Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia

LUT Summer School was a great experience! We had many opportunities to test ourselves in different fields of knowledge and gain professional skills.

A friendly atmosphere and open-minded professors made our learning fun and exciting. For me, the summer school turned out to be more than just studying. It was a perfect international environment to broaden your mind and find friends from all over the world. It was also a good chance to explore Finland.

I really loved Lappeenranta for its coziness and nature. I am glad that I was a part of LUT Summer School and would certainly recommend this awesome Finnish summer experience to everybody!


Kai Anspach

Hochschule Reutlingen - ESB Business School, Germany

I will never forget the good time I had and all the wonderful people I met in Lappeenranta.

I spent four lovely weeks in Lappeenranta, full of amazing experiences.

It all started with an excellent orientation by the representatives of the university, which included a lot of information beforehand, but also during the stay in Lappeenranta. We had a lot of activities, like Finnish sauna nights and other social events.

Besides the organised activities, the Finnish nature itself is really impressive. The classes were kept small, but there were students from different backgrounds and different cultures. This environment enhanced a lot of interesting discussions on all topics. I especially liked the course "Doing Business in Russia", which taught me a lot about the Russian culture and economics and the way to engage with both of them.

But the best part of the course was the trip to St. Petersburg. Overall, I wouldn't want to miss this experience. I will never forget the good time I had and all the wonderful people I met in Lappeenranta.


Sofia Reppucci

University Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

LUT was an amazing opportunity that I wouldn't change.

I didn't know what to expect before I came to LUT. And the best part was that it would have beat any expectation that I could have had.

The classes were challenging yet fun, the country was beautiful, the experiences were amazing, and the people I met... Well, that was my favorite part. LUT was an amazing opportunity that I wouldn't change.


Ichrak Lachheb

Al Akhawayn University, Morocco

LUT Summer School 2015 was one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had. It was unexpectedly a great pleasure.

The summer school's students were a mixture of several nationalities from all over the world. It was for me the perfect opportunity to meet other people and share my culture and knowledge with them.

I took four business and technology classes within these amazing four weeks. I had excellent professors who made the summer school journey a wonderful one. The material covered in all classes was highly relevant.

Besides, the teaching methods differed from what I have seen back in my home university; we focused on educational games and teamwork during class. Even though the classes were on a graduate level, undergraduate students, like me, could keep up. I was surprised by the fact that anyone from any background can study any class from any major.

I was also amazed by the diversity of age of my classmates; this helped me enrich my knowledge from other people's experiences. In brief, I can't say more about LUT because it is more than what words can describe: fun, love, study, and happiness.

Roman Schittenhelm

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

LUT Summer School 2015 was a unique and and outstanding experience. It was a perfect combination of challenging classes, awesome people and amazing social events.

Classes at LUT Summer School offered a wide range of different insights into theory because of the multinational participants and teachers. The atmosphere in all classes was warm and friendly, and therefore, a lot of information exchange and discussions were possible.

Besides the daily classes, LUT offered an excellent social program nearly every day. Finnish sauna nights, lake cruises, barbeques and more are just an extract of the many social events that took place. The organization and support were excellent all the time, and at this point, a special thanks to Veronika and Niko!

Another highlight during summer school was the trip to St. Petersburg. It is just a few hours by train and it seemed to be that everyone really enjoyed this trip. It was a short but really exciting visit with a lot of cultural and social experiences. The only thing that I missed during this weekend was some sleep, but it was definitely worth it.

In the end, I can say that my weeks at LUT Summer School were really intense and I gained a lot of new experiences in a really short time and also met a lot of nice and intelligent people from all over the world.

Sun Xunlai

China Jiliang University, China

I'm not willing to say goodbye to LUT. I was so curious why people can become so attached to a country only in one month.

I really enjoy the life here. It's totally different from my country's .We learned to do creative work in a group which combines different majors and different countries. The teachers are really nice and patient.

Compared to other students, I don't think my oral English is good, but they are so helpful and professors are willing to help you until you fully understand. The environment in Lappeenranta is pretty good, we have all kinds of activities which help us learn more about the life here and get to know each other.

I like sauna, haha, especially when I go out from the sauna room and jump into the cool lake. It's so exciting! I love this green campus. I am deeply impressed by the green concept. The green electric bicycle and all the green designs makes the university vibrant. Thank you!

John Skeen

University of California Davis, USA

The LUT Summer School experience was an unexpected treat. I came prepared for long lectures and a rigorous work load, but quickly found that this program sought to achieve a very healthy balance.

The classes were incredible. Not only was the material highly relevant, but the perspectives varied greatly from what I have found at my home university. The professors were sensitive to the cultural differences and provided instruction suitable for everyone, regardless of previous experience. What was even more impressive was the professors' genuine interest in the students and what they had to offer.

Beyond the academics, the social scene was great. LUT truly provides a very inclusive environment, where people from all cultures feel comfortable joining in on the festivities. It was amazing to see how many activities we could squeeze into just a few weeks, including traveling around Europe, karaoke, dance clubs, soccer after class, Finnish saunas, and frequently swimming in the lake. The relationships formed through this experience were deeply meaningful and will certainly be long-lasting.

LUT Summer School will forever be a fond memory, and I would highly recommend this experience to anyone considering it!

Kaat Spruyt

KU Leuven, Belgium

Looking back at my three weeks of LUT Summer School 2014, I can describe it as an amazing international experience!

I enrolled in the International Business Module and the Advanced Strategic Course. Apart from acquiring new insights and techniques, you also learn a lot by doing group work and presentations with the other students. The lectures are intense and professors come from all over the world, which makes it a really multicultural and a different way of teaching!

The social program, organized by the LUT crew, completed the Summer School experience. This way, you get to know the real Finnish culture and the city of Lappeenranta. We did a BBQ at the lake, a sauna night, a typical Finnish students "SitSit" Party, a cruise on the lake, dinners…

The highlight of my stay in Finland was the trip to St. Petersburg. It is an amazing city with a lot of historical background and cultural activities! We had a great group atmosphere and a lot of fun in Russia!

I really recommend LUT Summer School to everyone who is ready for an international study adventure in Finland; you won't regret it!!

Victoria Smith

St. Mary's University, Canada

LUT was a truly amazing experience. I couldn't have asked for a better summer exchange.

The program was exceptionally well organized, allowing me to grow personally and professionally. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Liliya Demarchuk

Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia

LUT Summer School was my first experience of studying abroad. And it was an absolutely amazing experience.

The studies were interesting and varied. The social program was very well thought out, the students were never bored. I got a lot of new friends from all over the planet.

I want to say a big thank you to Michael and Veronika, they are excellent organizers. If you want to get the experience of studying abroad, to discover something new and meet new interesting people, LUT Summer School is an excellent alternative for you. I would love to visit Lappeenranta again.

Thomas Ihler

ESB Business School, Germany

Open your mind is not just a statement at LUT. During my Summer School in Lappeenranta, I realized that LUT is able to put this statement into practice.

I have chosen LUT Summer School in Lappeenranta because of their interesting course program, which I see as an excellent complement for my master's studies. I followed the module of Doing Business in China and New Product Development. The courses gave me a detailed inside look into the theoretical as well as the practical content.

I've never had this highly motivated and friendly teachers during my studies. Also, the organization of the courses was perfect. LUT does not focus only on the courses. They also understand how to organize an amazing social program during the Summer School. Activities like sauna, the Angry Birds Activity Park, and a barbecue by the lake are only a few examples here.

My personal highlight at the Summer School 2014 was the trip to Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg is a breathtaking city, and I'm not able to give all my impressions here. LUT and our Russian host did a great job introducing Russia. And it's definitely not the last time that I will see the city!

I felt so sad when the Summer School was over. When I came back to Germany, I could not believe that all these experiences and close friendships came out of this short time.

Thanks to all the people of LUT for that!


Melissa Young Sing

University of Waterloo, Canada

The LUT Summer School was one of the most memorable of any of my international experiences thus far.

The very diverse student group provided a fantastic opportunity for thought provoking perspectives in the class room as well as for intriguing extra-curricular cultural learnings.

The social program was exceptionally coordinated and gave us the perfect balance of fun group activities, traditional Finnish experiences as well as a chance to see the neighbouring St. Petersburg.

The school's picturesque surroundings were also something I really appreciated. Jogging along the lakeside, sunny days at the beach, midnight sunsets at the lake and picking wild raspberries were the perfect activities for quieter evenings. I could not have asked for a more well-rounded summer school experience!

Iulia Joldes

Friedrich Alexander Universität Nürnberg, Germany

LUT Summer School 2013 was the kind of experience you wish would last forever! Such a great mix of challenging courses, amazing people and cultural insights.

It is said that a good organisation is something that can't be seen or felt by the participants. My two weeks of summer school were exactly like that!

The support of the university representatives before and during the programme was really helpful, especially taking into consideration that they had to arrange the programme for more than 105 students from all over the world.

The lecturers of the International Business module offered fascinating insights into the global business environment and created a demanding but fun learning experience.

The social events have definitely raised the bar for me for similar activities in the future. Sauna, barbeques, cruises, walks on the beach, common room parties and a trip to St. Petersburg are memories made with fascinating people who eventually became great friends!  

I still can't believe how intense and unforgettable these two weeks were!

Terrence Boyd

University of California, UC Davis, USA

I was fortunate to attend the LUT Summer School 2013 and enroll in the International Business module.

In two short weeks, I learned academic theories and concepts that can be applied when developing strategies to internationalize a business. The classes were very intense, highly interactive, and extremely rewarding.

The social program was the perfect complement to the intense courses. It was filled with activities where I experienced Finnish culture and learned about the cultures of my new friends. Relaxing at the sauna, playing at the Angry Birds Activity Park, and fraternizing at the Giggling Marlin and "Club Tekno" were some of my personal favorites.

For me, the LUT Summer School 2013 culminated with the trip to Saint Petersburg, Russia. Saint Petersburg is an amazing city with so much history and culture. LUT and our Russian host provided me with a great introduction to Russia. Because of them, I can't wait to go back!

The LUT Summer School was the perfect program for me, because I enjoy new experiences and meeting intelligent people from across the world. I will never forget my two weeks at LUT! We did it!
Marco Minervini

University of Udine, Italy

There is only one word to describe my experience of the LUT Summer School at Lappeenranta University of Technology: UNIQUE.

I followed the module of International Business, which gave me the chance to study and to participate in many team work projects. All of these activities helped me to understand how to work in an international context and how to coordinate a multicultural team.

In fact, the synergy between the members of the summer school is something amazing: despite our different nationalities and background, we had, from the very beginning, a strong connection that will surely endure.

This connection became stronger thanks to an awesome social program: a welcome dinner, Finnish sauna, a cruise on the lake and a trip to St. Petersburg are only a few of the many other unforgettable events that we shared.

Finally, I want to mention the wonderful landscape that surrounds LUT: the emotions I felt looking at the sunset on Lake Saimaa will remain forever in my heart.

Stijn Zanders

Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

Spending my summer at a university was a completely new experience for me. I came in touch with some professors from LUT, and they immediately inspired me to spend the summer in Lappeenranta.

Different lecturers from around the world made the LUT Summer School a dynamic experience. In the many different lectures, I not only learned something about the topic area, but also about differences in our cultures and in those of the lecturers.

The students who came to the LUT Summer School were very open-minded, and friendships were established within hours! The cultural diversity resulted in many truly amazing moments.

Many different social events were organised for us, ranging from a sauna party every week to a cruise on Lake Saimaa. As if that was not enough, theme parties, barbecues and sports activities were organised by Summer School students!

The LUT Summer School was a perfect mixture of academic studies and fun. It was a summer which I will never forget!

Kristina Dohrn

San Francisco State University, USA

I was a participant of the 2012 LUT Summer School in Lappeenranta, Finland. For me, it was an unforgettable experience. I had the pleasure to get to know, study and party with a diverse group of people from all over the world.

Classes covered doing business in China and Russia, the strategic thinking required for doing business in a global environment and the impact of culture and diversity in general on business practices. While the classes were informative, it was also truly exciting to hear people with such an international background talk about their experiences.

To help students to get to know each other, LUT offered many social activities of which the highlight was a two-day trip to St. Petersburg. Other activities included a nice dinner, outings, a cruise, a sauna party and a trip to a disco. LUT's staff did a great job organizing these activities and we enjoyed them tremendously.

It is for these reasons that I recommend the LUT Summer School to anyone without reservation. This experience will truly enrich your life and you will be sad when it is over.  

Sreejith Sasikumar

St. Mary's State University, Canada

The LUT Summer School was as much a fun opportunity to meet people as it was a fantastic learning experience academically. One of the great things about LUT is its unique combination of technology, business and innovation.

The social programs such as sauna, cruises, barbeques, beach picnics and the St. Petersburg trip were organized very well, making the whole experience life-changing and memorable.

The eclectic mix of attendees from different parts of the world also helped me form lifelong friendships with some truly inspirational minds. Kudos to LUT for an unforgettable summer!

Anna Strizhkova

South Ural State University, Russia

The trip to Finland made a huge and lasting impression. Going to the LUT Summer School 2012, I couldn't even imagine that just two short weeks can accommodate a colossal number of events, as if there were more than 24 hours in a day!

Amazing people, unforgettable meetings, highly professional training, excellent conditions for self-development and self-realization, improving the language skills and the establishment of personal and business contacts!

The social program which was provided by the LUT Summer School helped us to make friends and simply enjoy our stay in the wonderful city of Lappeenranta! From Finland, I left not only with acquired knowledge, but also charged with positive energy, great experiences and lots of new friends from all over the world!

I would once again like to express my great gratitude to the organizers for the awesome LUT Summer School 2012!