Our research focuses on current, action-intensive challenges


Finding new energy-efficient solutions requires extensive research. Our goal is a deep system-level understanding of the transition to a carbon-neutral energy system and its economic, environmental, technical and competitiveness factors.

Our research covers the technologies and systems required for the production, transmission, distribution and use of energy, from equipment manufacturing and fuels to energy end-use. Our strengths are our understanding of the system level of energy systems, the digital design and production of machines and equipment, and demanding welded metal structures.

Olli Pyrhönen, LUT-yliopiston dekaani
Our research activities have laid the foundation for a number of successful global products and new businesses. Dozens of patents granted are also a strong sign of our expertise.
Olli Pyrhönen
Dean, LUT School of Energy Systems

Open positions at the LUT School of Energy Systems

The energy revolution needs researchers! We at the LUT School of Energy Systems are looking for doctoral students to join us in tackling the challenges of the future. We are searching for ways to mitigate climate change, promote wind and solar power, recycle nutrients and waste, ensure access to clean water and energy, and conduct business sustainably.

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