Created 11.10.2024
Updated 11.10.2024

What are the key topics in food technology today? 

We’re living in a time where the impacts of human actions on the environment are starting to show. Especially our current food production systems require redesign. That’s why food technology is now aiming to develop food systems that can produce nutritious food sustainably. 

What are you currently working on? 

I’m analyzing food processing from a holistic perspective. I’m exploring how food processing interacts with other critical sectors of the food chain and looking for alternatives for producing more nutritious food with lower environmental impacts. 

How did you end up in an academic career? 

I’ve been interested in science ever since I was a child. Initially, I was fascinated by engineering and how machines work. I find many aspects of an academic career interesting, such as being in an environment where learning and creativity are essential. 

What do you enjoy most about your work?  

You never get bored. My research overlaps with other fields of science, and I get to learn about topics outside of my specialization. We have lots of opportunities to develop new teaching and research methods that solve global problems. 

What is your greatest professional achievement so far?   

It would have to be collaborating with universities and different industries worldwide and getting to know new people and cultures. That’s expanded my vision on research and education. 

If anything was possible, what would you like to study? What ambitions do you have for your career?   

I’d want to expand my knowledge of computer science. Combining it with food technology would help in examining critical interactions between multiple food systems.  

I feel inspired to find solutions for redesigning our food systems. It’s critical that we not exceed planetary boundaries and collapse our ecosystem.
Samuel Perez-Vega
Assistant professor of food technology

Who or what has been your latest source of inspiration?   

My family and future generations are my source of inspiration. We’re living in an exceptional time where we hold the keys to solving major global problems.  

I feel inspired to find solutions for redesigning our food systems. It’s critical that we not exceed planetary boundaries and collapse our ecosystem.  

What should everyone understand about food technology? 

Food technology has had a significant impact on global development. Hundreds of years ago, people spent most of their time securing food. With the arrival of food technology, people have been able to focus on other areas, such as outer space, medicine, computers, or societal development. Securing the availability of food is still necessary, but so is reducing the environmental impacts of food systems. 

Intelligent food technologies enable us to create sustainable food systems that will secure food also in the future. Meanwhile, they help address challenges related to nutrition, sustainability, equality, education, and economic and social growth. 

How do you maintain a work–life balance? How do you recharge after work?  

To recharge, I try to avoid screens and focus on physical activity. I enjoy spending time with my family, biking, playing with my kids, being out in nature, reading, and cooking. Sharing a cup of coffee with family or friends is another way to relax. 

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