Brussels-Event-2023: LUT University Rector Juha-Matti Saksa sitting on the beach and watching the sun set
Event dates
Brussels, Rue Jacques de Lalaing 33, BE–1040

LUT University and the LAB University of Applied Sciences invite you to a pre-Midsummer party in Brussels on 20 June, 17:00-21:00 (local time in Belgium). You’ll learn about the hydrogen economy, electric transportation, and green electrification in two award-winning EU Green Cities.

Afterwards, you can enjoy delicious Finnish food, network and even try the sauna. We Finns believe that the sauna can relax your mind, body and soul in a way like no other. Give it a go and see for yourself!


(local time in Belgium)

17:00     Doors open

17:30     Opening words and greetings from LUT and LAB researchers 

18:30    Buffet, networking and sauna

Get a feel of the Finnish Midsummer and register by the 19 of June via this link

@UniLut #EUSEW23
