Tatiana Alekseeva, Master of Mathematics, Informatics, and Computer Science, will defend her doctoral dissertation in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management at LUT on 21 September at 14 hrs (Finnish time), in Auditorium 2411 and online. Her dissertation is titled Forecasting and control in nonlinear economic models with application to economic policy. Professor Vladimir Rasvan of the University of Craiova, Romania, will act as opponent. Professor Leonid Chechurin of LUT University will act as custos.

Library information: The dissertation has been published in the Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis research series number 1149 of the university. ISBN 978-952-412-113-2, ISBN 978-952-412-114-9 (PDF), ISSN 1456-4491 (Print), ISSN 2814-5518 (online).