Event category SelectAlumni eventConferenceOther eventPublic eventPublic examinationWebinar Focus area SelectAir - Turning emissions into opportunitiesBusiness and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and societyEnergy - Transition to carbon-neutral worldOther Focus AreaWater - Refining sidestreams into value Topic SelectAvoin yliopistoBusiness cooperationField-Business Administration-Chemical Engineering-Computational Engineering-Electrical Engineering-Energy Technology-Environmental Technology-Food processing technology-Industrial Engineering and Management-Mechanical Engineering-Social Sciences-Software EngineeringJunior UniversityKokemuksia LUTistaSustainable development-SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation-SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy-SDG8 Decent work and economic growth-SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure-SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production-SDG13 Climate Action-SDG17 Partnerships for the goalsTäydennyskoulutus-Controller-Hankintatoimen johtaminen-Innovaatiojohtaminen-KATI 16-Leadership & Management-LUT EMBA-Talous & Rahoitus-Tietojohtaminen Target group SelectAlumniKandihakijatLapsetMaisterihakijatMediaNuoretOpettajatOpinto-ohjaajatRahoittajatTutkijatTyönhakijatYritykset Location SelectKotkaKouvolaLahtiLappeenrantaMikkeliOnlineOther Mon, 02.06.2025 at 10:00 - 16:00 EEST Quantitative methods in the digital turn: Promises and pitfalls Lappeenranta, Finland. Fri, 03.10 - Sun, 05.10.2025 KRK Alumni Association’s general meeting and event weekend Tampere Alumni event Wed, 10.06.2026 at 08:00 - Thu, 11.06.2026 at 16:00 EEST International Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Treatment 2026 Concert and Congress Hall Mikaeli, Sointukatu 1, 50100 Mikkeli, Finland Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2