The national 2020–2022 fundraising campaign of Finnish universities has ended. In total, Finnish universities raised over 70 million euros in donations.
The Government of Finland has decided to match the funding with 67 million euros, which has been divided between Finnish universities based on their fundraising results.
LUT University accumulated altogether 4.7 million euros in donations, and the matched funding from the Government is 4.5 million euros. Thus, LUT’s total fundraising result is over nine million euros.
“We warmly thank both all the donors and the Finnish Government for their contributions to the LUT fundraising campaign. As our share of the national matched funding is 7% and our share of the Finnish university sector is 3%, we can be extremely happy with the outcome,” Rector Juha-Matti Saksa says.
The LUT Board decides on the use of fundraising funds, following the instructions of the Finnish Government for the campaign donations.
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