Iryna Malacina

Iryna Malacina
Post-doctoral researcher
Business Studies
LUT Business School
Research areas
Strategy and Management
Industrial relations
Management of Technology and Innovation
Business and International Management


Iryna is a post-doctoral researcher at LUT University, Finland, where she also earned her D.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration in 2023. Her research primarily explores the adaptive behaviors of firms within supply networks. She delves into several related areas, including innovation in supply networks and decoupling of firm growth from carbon emissions. Iryna specializes in a variety of methodological approaches such as ERGM, topic modeling, surveys, and in-depth case studies.

Iryna is the recipient of the IPSERA Lelio and Mario Raffa Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (2024) and the Teemu Aho Dissertation Award for outstanding dissertations (2024), as well as the EurOMA Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award (2023) and the Best Paper Award at IPSERA (2023). Additionally, she is currently a member of the Editorial Review Board Developmental Program at the Journal of Supply Chain Management and has joined as a member of the IPSERA Executive Committee in 2024.