Mari Hupponen

Mari Hupponen is a Post Doctoral Researcher in the Sustainability Science department. Her doctoral dissertation "Long-term evolution of greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste management" was completed in 2023. The aim of the dissertation was to look GHG emissions of waste management in the long-term, find a ways to decrease GHG emissions of waste management, and to guide MSW management towards more environmentally friendly procurement decisions.
Mari has focused on waste management studies since 2006, especially she is interested in commercial and household waste and oil spill waste. Current research projects focus from a life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective on plastics in construction and demolition waste (PlastLIFE, LUT Sustainability Science project manager), filtering of stormwater with construction and demolition waste (StoPWa), and the end-of-life (EoL) of electric vehicle batteries (REINFORCE). Mari also takes part in teaching and is a supervisor in theses (bachelor, master and doctoral).