Sheraz Ahmed

Dr. Sheraz Ahmed works as Associate Professor at the LUT Business School (LBS). He completed his doctoral degree in economics and business administration majoring in financial economics from Hanken School of Economics in 2009. He is also serving as director of master's degree program in strategic finance and analytics. He currently teaches financial theory, and valuation of financial securities, and empirical research in finance to masters' level students at LBS. He Has supervised more than 80 masters' dissertations and also supervises doctoral students in finance and analytics. He is an active researcher and publishes within the themes of international finance, asset pricing, factor investing, portfolio management, and high-frequency trading.
Asset pricing and market microstructure
Corporate Governance & Ownership
Transparency practices of global listed companies
A220A0200 - International financial management, 6 ECTS
A220A0650 - Financial theory and valuation, 6 ECTS
A220A0400 - Empirical research in finance, 6 ECTS
A220A0600 - Banking and insurance finance, 6 ECTS (co-teacher)
A220A9001 - Master's Thesis, Strategic Finance, 30 ECTS (supervisor)
Bachelor level courses:
A130A3000 - Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 ECTS (Bachelor thesis supervisor)