
The aim of this project is to make a significant contribution to increasing the resource efficiency of Finnish sheep wool and to increasing the cost efficiency of Finnish wool production by producing new information on the recovery and use of compounds (lanolin and keratin) in wool.


Project Funding

European Regional Development Fund 

Project period

1.9.2021 – 31.8.2023


Project description

An estimated 50–70% of the sheep's wool produced in Finland ends up as waste for disposal. In addition, Finnish wool is transported abroad for washing. The purpose of the project is to increase the resource and cost efficiency of Finnish sheep wool and its production by exploring new uses for waste wool and to create opportunities for a domestic wool processing chain, so that wool washing and recovery of valuable compounds would take place in Finland.

Project goals

To Provide new information on the recovery and use of compounds in wool (lanolin and keratin). The project will also develop a cost-effective separation process for the recovery of waste wool keratin and lanolin, as well as do a feasibility study on the profitability of waste wool collection and processing and the further processing of wool components into higher value products.