The project involves designing a bio-based system for the efficient carbon capture from industrial emissions and wastewater using local (Nordic) microalgae. The project tasks include identifying local microalgae strains for carbon capture, cultivating algal biomass, and valorizing harvested algal biomass for the production of carbon-neutral biofuel and value-added products. The results of this project will contribute to Finland’s carbon neutrality aim as well as circular bioeconomy.
The project is co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Regional Council of South Savo. It contributes to research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities in the Mikkeli region, creates new business opportunities, and strengthens the Blue Economy Mikkeli (BEM) cluster.
The overall objective of this project is to promote the transition to a circular bioeconomy by utilizing (local) microalgae for efficient carbon capture and the production of renewable, carbon-neutral biofuels and bioenergy.
The specific goals include:
- Comparing carbon capture from industrial emissions and wastewater using local (Nordic) microalgae.
- Developing microalgae technology for large-scale cultivation and process optimization.
- Utilizing microalgae to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce carbon-neutral biofuels and bioenergy.
- Minimizing nutrient loads and supporting the EU Baltic Sea Strategy.
- Developing new algae-based product and service concepts while strengthening business and market knowledge.
Project funding:
Co-funded by the Euroopan Union, South Savo Regional Council

Contact information

Deepesh Chauhan