
Digital twins realistically simulate the natural operating environment and work process of the modeled object, easing the physical and psychological workload of workers. With the help of digital twins, decision-making can be promoted, for example by saving costs and by producing timely and transparent information to support the well-being of employees. Much of the actual effects of digital twins are realized through human activity. This requires a change in organizational culture and management in order to better understand how the benefits of digital twins as part of the performance management of companies and individuals are realized in practice, i.e. to understand to what extent benefits are achieved by making equipment and processes more efficient and to what extent we talk about organizational change and understand its consequences.



The goal of the project is to promote the human-oriented utilization of digital twins and to develop know-how on how to promote the socially sustainable utilization of digital twins in Päijät-Häme. The goal is therefore to promote an understanding of how the use of digital twins affects the people who use them and how the use of information produced by digital twins in decision-making counteracts the aforementioned effects positively.

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