The Finnish labor market is highly gender-segregated, and this separation begins at an early age. Gender-based segregation is evident even in the work experience (TET) placements chosen by young people. While TET periods may not directly influence the choice of further studies, these first experiences in the workforce are significant for young people and shape their perceptions of potential career paths.
In addition to gender-based segregation, social background plays an increasingly strong role in the Finnish education system. Family background is becoming a more decisive factor in guiding some young people toward higher education and steering others away from it. Early on, young people begin to form perceptions of their own possibilities, which can influence, for example, the type of TET positions they seek and the kinds of jobs they consider suitable for themselves.
The project aims to broaden the educational and career horizons and interests of young people in the fields of technology and engineering. The underrepresentation of women in technology is a long-standing and, unfortunately, very persistent reality. At the same time, young people with immigrant backgrounds are significantly less likely to pursue higher education compared to the native population. The project creates pathways for exploring careers in the technology sector for both lower and upper secondary school students, with a particular focus on females and young people with immigrant backgrounds.
Project funding:
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)

- To increase awareness among young people (especially girls and those with immigrant backgrounds) about educational and employment possibilities in the technology sector in South Karelia.
- To support lower and upper secondary school teachers and career counselors in guiding students with further education and career choices.
- To assist companies in the orientation and mentoring of students participating in periods of work experience.
- To develop collaboration models between basic education, secondary schools, higher education institutions, and the labor market to support youth in exploring career opportunities and improving access to higher education
Contact information

Johanna Naukkarinen