The research focuses on the integration of performance management systems, digital technologies, and corporate sustainability performance. In recent years, the group has managed and participated in research projects related to digital transformation and sustainability performance in companies and society.

Research topics
- Performance measurement and management
- Performance management systems
- Management of services and operations
- Digitalization in production and operations
- Sustainable production systems
- Performance management of university cooperation
Recent publications
Recent projects
MORESIM – Modelling reality through simulation
The MORE SIM objective is to develop the necessary techniques, toolsets, and methods needed in the areas of simulator-driven design and manufacturing to enable new sustainable business opportunities in manufacturing. The key hypothesis underlying the MORE SIM is that theoretical research into the foundation of real-time, computer simulation tools will enable breakthrough discoveries that will allow the seamless fusion of real and virtual assets and enable the radical transformation of industrial business and society. (https://moresim.fi/)
SANTTU - To reduce stress from machine & operator
The SANTTU project focuses on the development of systems for operators of work machines and heavy industrial machines. This can be used to reduce the cognitive stress on the operator as well as the stress on the machine, thus extending machine life, availability, and productivity.
AITOC - Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering
The goal of the AITOC project is to develop an integrated toolchain for manufacturing engineering that supports making earlier decisions. The toolchain will support the formalization and automated analysis of requirements; the computer-aided generation of process plans, simulation models, and instructions; and the software-supported generation of layouts.
Group members