Spring 2025
- 25.3. Abdullah Tokmak (Aalto University), Safe control parameter tuning with Bayesian optimization, room 2411, 14:00-15:00
- Next: Jakub Stefansky ()
- 11.2. Manu Holmberg (FMI), Retrieving ground and vegetation parameters from space borne passive L band observations, room 2411, 14:00-15:00.
- 28.01. Karl Worthmann (Technische Universität Ilmenau), Koopman-based prediction of nonlinear systems with guaranteed accuracy, room 2411, 15:00-16:00
Autumn 2024
- 20.11. Remo Kretschmann (University of Potsdam), Maximum a posteriori testing in statistical inverse problems, room 2411, 14:00-15:00
- 29.10. Ayush Bharti (Aalto University), Robust & Compute-efficient Algorithms for Simulation-based Inference, room 2411, 14:00-15:00
- 17.09. Jufren Ndendya (University of Dar es Salaam), A next-generation matrix approach using Routh–Hurwitz criterion and quadratic Lyapunov function for modeling animal rabies with infective immigrants, room 2411, 14:00-15:00
- 12.09. Pavel Zemcik (Brno University of Technology), Approximation of functions using random number generation, room 2411, 13:00-14:00
- 10.09. Radek Marik (Czech Technical University) Natural Language Processing and Graph Neural Networks Applied to Ancient History and Modern Ages, room 2411, 15:00-16:00
- 10.09. Vojtech Drahy (Czech Technical University). Design of Surrogate Models in Civil Engineering by Neural Networks, room 2411, 14:30-15:00
- 20.08. Janne Nurminen (University of Jyväskylä), On inverse problems for semilinear elliptic PDEs of the form $\Delta u + a(x,u)=0$, room 2411, 15:15
Spring 2024
- 11.06. Joris Bierkens (TU Delft), Scaling of Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo for Anisotropic Targets, room 2411, 3.15pm
- 11.06. Sean Holman (University of Manchester), Neutron transmission strain imaging, the longitudinal ray transform and PDEs, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 10.06. Pavel Zemčík (Brno University of Technology), Graph@FIT Research Activities with focus on Light Field, room 2411, 3.00pm
- 04.06. Leilah Taghizadeh (TU Wien), Nanotechnology PDE Models Under Uncertainty, online, 2.15 pm
- 07.05. Teemu Saksala (North Carolina State University), Hyperbolic inverse problems with time dependent and time independent coefficients, room 2411
- 07.05. Giovanni Covi (University of Helsinki), Fractional random walks on graphs, room 2411, 2.15 pm
- 30.04. Simon St-Amant (University of Cambridge), Geometrical and statistical aspects of an inverse problem with a gauge, room 2411, 2.15 pm
- 10.04. Roland Maier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Introduction to Localized Orthogonal Decomposition, room 3305, 2.00 pm
- 19.03. Laura Bazahica (LUT University), An Introduction to Quasi Monte Carlo Methods, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 14.03. Tommi Heikkilä (University of Helsinki), Spatio-temporal regularization methods for sparse dynamic tomography, room 6323, 1.00pm
- 12.03. Suraj Jaiswal (LUT University), Various Product Processes based on Multibody Dynamics, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 05.02. Hennes Hajduk (University of Oslo), Monolithic convex limiting techniques for finite element discretizations of hyperbolic PDEs, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 10.01. Philipp Zimmermann (ETH Zurich), Calderón type inverse problem for the nonlocal porous medium equation, room 2411, 1.15pm
Autumn 2023
- 07.12. Han Cheng Lie (Universität Potsdam), Choosing observation operators to mitigate model error in Bayesian inverse problems, room 2411, 3.15pm
- 30.11. Sebastian Springer (SISSA Italy), Agnostic detection of large-scale weather patterns in the northern hemisphere: from blockings to teleconnections, room 1325, 2.15pm
- 28.11. Leonid Chechurin (LUT University), room 7332, 2.15pm
- 24.10. Shubham Jathar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal), Geodesic Ray Transform and its Applications, room 2411, 3.15pm
- 03.10. Pavel Zemcik (Brno University of Technology), Recent advances in image processing and computer vision in Brno, room 2411, 2.00pm
- 26.09. Zhi-song Liu (LUT University), Efficient image / video understanding and generative models, room 2411, 2.00pm
- 19.09. Janeth Pancras (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), Investigating the Impacts of Control Strategies on HIV-related Kidney Disease at Different Age Groups, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 19.09. Maryam Barati Moghaddam (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Application of Inverse Modeling in Water Resources Management , room 2411, 3.15pm
- 12.09. Marcelo Hartmann (University of Helsinki), Warped metrics for optimisation and sampling in probabilistic models, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 08.08. Alexander Prechtel (University Erlangen-Nuremberg), Cellular Automata in Soil Science, room 2411, 2.15pm
Spring 2023
- 13.06. Teemu Härkönen (LUT University), Bayesian Neural Networks for Correcting Spectral Measurements, room 1325, 2.15pm
- 13.06. Sofia Mäkinen (University of Helsinki), Comparison of the Feedforward and Operator Recurrent Neural Networks for the Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation, room 1325, 3.15pm
- 06.06. Andreas Horst (Technical University of Denmark), Exploring a posterior with Besov prior through sampling, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 06.06. Jean Modeste Mushimiyimana (AIMS Rwanda and LUT University), Modelling water reinjection after methane extraction in Lake Kivu, room 2411, 3.15pm
- 23.05. James Van Yperen (University of Sussex), The observational model: a parameter estimation technique for dynamical systems, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 15.05. Risto Makkonen (Finnish Meteorological Institute), TBA, TBA, TBA
- 09.05. Barkat Bhayo (LUT university), TBA, room 2411, 2.15pm
- 25.04. Philbert Mushumbusi (NM-AIST: Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology), Diagnostics of leaks in water pipe networks, room 1325, 2.15pm
22.02. Jouni Susiluoto (JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech), Radiative transfer emulation for hyperspectral imaging retrievals with advanced kernel Flows-based Gaussian Process emulation, meeting room 7630, 1.15pm
22.02. Otto Lamminpää (JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech), Gaussian Processes and Mixture Models for Emulation, Inversion, and UQ, meeting room 3310, 3.15pm
- 07.02. Simon Bilik (Brno University of Technology and LUT University), Industrial anomaly detection and bee colony health state monitoring, room 2411, 4.00 pm
- 07.02. Toni Karvonen (University of Helsinki), Kernels, RKHSs and Gaussian processes, room 2411, 2.15 pm
- 31.01. Ling Chen (Southwest University, Chongqing), Neural Networks Based on Forgetting Memristor Synapses, room 2411, 2.30 pm
- 24.01. Sara Faghih-Naini (University of Bayreuth), room 2411, 3.15 pm
- 26.01. Pavel Zemcik (Brno University), Recent research topics – Graph@FIT, room 2411, 2.00 pm
Autumn 2022
- 08.12. Alexey Kazarnikov (Heidelberg University), Bayesian approach to parameter identification of pattern formation models, room 1325, 3.15 pm
- 11.10. Lauri Oksanen (University of Helsinki), Spacetime finite element methods for inverse and control problems subject to the wave equation, room 3306, 2.15 pm
- 04.10. Antti Hannukainen (Aalto University), Compound Krylov subspace methods for parametric linear systems, lecture hall 1325, 2.15 pm
- 29.09. Petri Clusius (University of Helsinki), FLEXPART-SOSAA, room2411, 4.00 pm
- 29.09. Juniper Langenstein (University of Helsinki), Effortless Sensitivity Analysis for the SOSAA model, room 2411, 3.30 pm
- 29.09. Karel Horak (Brno University of Technology), Evolution of Computer Vision Methods in Industry and Traffic in Recent Decades, room 2411, 2.00 pm
- 15.09. Emilia Blåsten (LUT University), Imaging water supply networks and vocal tracts with inverse problems, room 2411, 2.00 pm
13.09. José Carlos García Merino (Universidad de Extremadura), Polynomial chaos expansion for uncertainty propagation analysis in numerical homogenisation of 2D/3D periodic composite microstructures, room 2411, 2.00 pm
- 30.08. Roland Maier (Friedrich Schiller University Jena), A high order approach to elliptic multiscale problems, lecture hall 1325, 3.00 pm
- 17.08. Vesa Kaarnioja (Free University of Berlin), Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for domain uncertainty quantification using periodic random variables, room 2411, 2.00 pm
Spring 2022
- 22.06. Nadja Ray and Simon Zech (University of Erlangen–Nuremberg), Cellular automaton methods in geoscience applications, lecture hall 1325, 2.00 pm
- 20.06. Duc-Lam Duong (LUT University), Reformulating compartmental models for infectious diseases in terms of available data for parameter identification, room 2411, 3.00 pm
- 09.06. Michael Boy (LUT University / University of Helsinki), Secondary Organic Aerosols – sources, impacts and potentially LUT cooperation, lecture hall 1325, 3.00 pm
- 09.06. Felipe Uribe (Technical University of Denmark), Prior models for edge-preserving Bayesian inversion, lecture hall 1325, 1.00 pm
- 17.05. Hanz Cheng (LUT University), Complete flux scheme for variable velocity fields and applications to compound systems of equations, room 2411, 3.15 pm
- 09.02. Matt Moores (University of Wollongong), The Annealed Leap-Point MCMC Sampler (ALPS) for multi-modal posterior distributions, lecture hall 7339, 11.15 am
Autumn 2021
- 17.8. Sahani Pathiraja (University of Potsdam), A new class of control type sequential Monte Carlo filters and their approximations, 2.15 pm, lecture hall 1325
Jana de Wiljes (University of Potsdam), Contributions to High Dimensional Nonlinear Data Assimilation: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, 3.00 pm, lecture hall 1325 - 24.8. Ernst-Jan Camiel Wit (Università della Svizzera italiana), The perils of heroic modelling of COVID-19 clinical data, 2.15 pm, lecture hall 1325
- 7.9. Angelica M. Castillo (GFZ - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam; and University of Potsdam), Reconstructing the dynamics of the outer electron radiation belt by means of the standard and ensemble Kalman filter with the VERB-3D code, 2.15 pm, lecture hall 7339 (Recording)
- 14.9. Zheng Zhao (Aalto University), State-space deep Gaussian processes and related topics, 2.15 pm, lecture hall 2305 (Recording)
- 28.9. Christian Clason (University of Graz), Convex relaxation of hybrid discrete-continuous optimization problems, 2.15 pm (Recording)
- 5.10. Tim Jahn (Universität Bonn), On the regularisation of linear inverse problems under unknown noise, 2.15 pm (Recording)
- 12.10. Shuai Lu (Fudan University, Shanghai), Data assimilation from a viewpoint of regularization theory, 2.30 pm (Recording)
- 26.10. Juha Vierinen (University of Tromsø), Some selected estimation problems in space physics, 3.15 pm, lecture hall 1325
- 2.11. Eero Saksman (University of Helsinki), On the convergence of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, 2.15 pm, lecture hall 2305
- 16.11. Aretha Teckentrup (University of Edinburgh), Convergence and Robustness of Gaussian Process Regression, 2.15 pm
- 30.11. Simon Weissmann (University of Heidelberg), Continuous-time analysis of the ensemble Kalman inversion, 2.15 pm
- 7.12. Pedro Nardelli (LUT University), Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory, Methodology and Applications, 2.15 pm, room 2411
- 21.12. Radek Marik (Czech Technical University), Collapse of Civilizations: Towards Measurable Assessment, 2.15 pm, room 2411