What is Early Admission?
Early Admission offers a two-week early application window before Regular Admission
- for applicants having completed or about to complete their Bachelor's Degree outside of Finland
and hoping to continue their studies in our Master's Programmes.
When to apply?
Application period is closed.
Application period took place on 1-15 October 2024 at 15:00 (UTC+3).
Basics about Early Admission
Business Administration
- Business Analytics
- International Business and Entrepreneurship
- International Marketing Management
- Strategic Finance and Analytics
- Supply Management
Chemical Engineering
- Biorefineries
- Chemical Engineering for Energy Transition
- Food Processing Technology
- Water Technology
Communication Sciences
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Technology
Industrial Engineering and Management
- Global Management of Innovation and Technology
- Innovation and Logistics
- Management of Organisational Development
Mechanical Engineering
Social Sciences
Software Engineering
- Digital Systems and Service Development
- Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
- Software Product Management and Business
In Early Admission, you can only apply to one programme either in Business Administration, Communication Sciences, Social Sciences or in Technology.
This is because if successfully completing the following steps you will automatically get admitted as long as there are still seats available in the programme you are applying to:
- submitting a complete application within the time frame given
- meeting with the admission criteria
- getting a minimum of 50% for the maximum points for the interview when an interview is included or, otherwise successfully going through the related evaluation process in the programmes in Software Engineering or in the programme Industrial Design Engineering
All the applicants having applied through Early Admission with an application forwarded to academic evaluation will get their admission decision
- on 22 November 2024 at the latest
The Admissions Committees for the programmes complete the evaluation process as soon as possible based on the principle of first in - first out.
LUT Admissions Services allow the Admissions Committees to complete the evaluation process for each application without disturbing them with any requests for speeding up their process.
Therefore, we are not able to provide any applicant with any updates on the evaluation process while all the applicants will be informed about their admission decision as soon as it is ready to be released.
In case of the application not having been a technically eligible one, it will not be forwarded to academic evaluation and the applicant will be informed about it immediately by email through Studyinfo.
- If admitted through Early Admission and having confirmed the place
You are ineligible to apply through Regular Admission as you are not be able to confirm yet another place for the upcoming academic year again.
Further information: StudyInfo - One Study Place Per Term ProvisionSubmitting an application through Regular Admission while already having confirmed a place through Early Admission will lead into your application form through Regular Admission to be discarded.
- If not admitted or not having confirmed an offered place through Early Admission
You may apply through Regular Admission between 16 December 2024 - 22 January 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+2).
Submit your application only, if you are able
- to upload all the required documents and results at the time of submitting your application or,
- to supplement your application with the missing documents and results within 14 days from receiving a supplementary request from us
If your application is not supplemented as requested by the given deadline, it will be ruled out as an ineligible application.
Your chances of getting admitted are the same regardless of whether you choose to apply directly on your own or through an education agent as all the eligible applications are ranked for each programme according to the same admissions criteria.
Application process
You may submit
- one application form with max. one programme
Multiple applications discarded
In case of any multiple application forms under a different email address/es for the same applicant the earlier one/s will automatically be discarded while only the latest one remaining a valid one.
Carefully answering all the questions
Fill carefully in your application form by answering the questions exactly as requested.
If failing to present the information as requested on your application form, that information will not be considered in the evaluation process.
Upload all the required documents
Upload the required documents - further information at Uploading the required documents.
Submit your application
After having submitted your application, you will receive an auto-reply from StudyInfo about successfully having submitted the application.
For most of the programmes you must list the programme-related studies for this programme on your application form in ECTS credits by each course under the related field of study and indicate the total ECTS credits for all the courses listed.
Studies not originally in ECTS credits >> Conversion needed
In case of the completed courses not originally listed in ECTS credits on your Transcript of Records, you are responsible for converting the original study units (credits, credit hours etc.) to ECTS credits according to the following conversions.
What elements are required for ECTS conversions?
To be able to make the necessary conversions for ECTS credits, the following elements must be included on your Transcript/s of Records:
- Original study units for each course (credits, credit hours etc.)
- Original cumulative study units for the degree (credits, credit hours etc.)
What to do if the required elements are missing?
If either one or both of these required elements are missing on your Transcript of Records, you must upload an additional, official statement in English provided by the related university, indicating the missing elements.
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
You may also upload an official brochure for the programme issued by the university instead of the official statement if the missing elements are indicated in the brochure.
Converting to ECTS credits factors
Studies on Bachelor's level
- Divide 180 (=cumulative ECTS credits for a LUT Bachelor’s Degree) by the cumulative number of original study units (credits, credit hours etc.) you have completed for the Bachelor’s Degree you are applying with
- As a result you will get the conversion factor for Bachelor's studies
- Multiply the original number of study units for the listed courses by this factor
- As a result you will get the result in ECTS credits
Studies on Master's level
- Multiply the original number of study units for the listed courses by 1.5
- 1.5 = a fixed factor for Master's studies
- As a result you will get the result in ECTS credits
Do not round up the result for the converted ECTS credits: If the result is 2.25367 ECTS credits, you must list the course with exactly 2.25367 ECTS credits.
Examples: How to correctly convert and list the required studies in ECTS credits
Case examples
Bachelor's studies
The total study units completed for your Bachelor’s Degree are 160 credit hours and you need to convert a course with 2 credit hours to ECTS credits.
- Divide 180 by 160 >> the conversion factor is 1.125
- Multiply 2 credit hours by 1.125 = 2.25 ECTS credits
Master's studies
You have completed 60 credits of Master's level studies and you need to convert a course with 3 credits to ECTS credits.
- Multiply 3 credits by 1.5 = 4.5 ECTS credits
You have completed 95 credits of Master's level studies and you need to convert a course with 2 credits to ECTS credits.
- Multiply 2 credits by 1.5 = 3 ECTS credits
Bachelor's Degree is a combination of several degrees
Example: 2-year Bachelor's Degree + 2-year Master's Degree = Bachelor's Degree (16 years of education)
You have completed
- a 2-year Bachelor's Degree (90 credits) and
- a 2-year Master's Degree (80 credits)
that together are equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree (170 credits in total) and you need to convert a course with 3 credits to ECTS credits.
Since the combination of both the degrees is equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree, the conversion factor follows the factor for Bachelor's studies.
- Divide 180 by 170 >> the conversion factor is 1.05882353
- Multiply 3 credit hours by 1.05882353 = 3.17647059 ECTS credits
Example: National Degree + Higher National Degree + top up = Bachelor's Degree
You have completed
- a 2-year National Degree (85 credit hours) and
- a 1-year top up for a Higher Nationial Degree (50 credit hours) and
- a 1-year top up for a Bachelor's Degree (30 credit hours)
that together are equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree (165 credit hours in total) and you need to convert a course with 2 credits to ECTS credits.
Since the combination of all these degrees is equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree, the conversion factor follows the factor for Bachelor's studies.
- Divide 180 by 165 >> the conversion factor is 1.09090909
- Multiply 2 credit hours by 1.09090909 = 2.18181818 ECTS credits
When filling in your application form
While filling in your application form, you must indicate the cumulative number of original study units completed for the Bachelor's Degree you are applying with.
If applying with an unfinished Bachelor's Degree, you must indicate the cumulative number of original study units expected to be completed for being able to graduate.
If having completed a combination of degrees that together correspond to a Bachelor's Degree, you must indicate the cumulative number of original study units for all the related degrees.
Requirements for the Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records for the Bachelor's Degree you are applying with must include the cumulative number of original study units (credits, credit hours etc.).
If the cumulative original study units not included on the Transcript of Records, an official statement on them issued in English by the related university must be uploaded. You may also upload an official brochure for the programme issued by the university instead of the official statement if the cumulative original study units indicated in the brochure.
The arithmetic GPA will be first checked and verified by LUT University. In case the original grading scale not being on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00, the arithmetic GPA will be converted by LUT University on this scale during the evaluation process. Finally, the arithmetic GPA with two decimals will be evaluated.
The grading scale must include at least two different grades for passing that together form a clear range of passing grades so that an arithmetic GPA can be calculated.
If the completed courses having been evaluated by using verbal or letter-based grades, these grades will be converted on a numerical scale of 1.00-5.00 by using linear conversion.
The arithmetic GPA evaluated in the LUT selection process is
- an arithmetic average of grades for all the individual courses and for the grade for the Final Thesis included in the degree you have to apply with
- that have been completed at the time of applying
- that are listed on an official Transcript of Records
What is excluded from the arithmetic GPA?
- Courses evaluated with 'pass' or 'fail'
- Courses evaluated with a grade corresponding to a failed grade
- Courses without a related study unit such as ECTS credit, credit, credit hour etc.
- Combined modules including only a single grade for all the courses included in the module unless the individual courses having been evaluated separately
- Courses not included in the degree you have to apply with
- Courses not included in the degree you have to apply with that have been credited or compensated unless the degree-awarding university having evaluated them on a numerical, verbal or on a letter-based grading scale
- Degree Certificate for the Bachelor's Degree
+ an official translation when requiredUpload a scan for the original.
If your Bachelor's Degree is a combination of two different degrees, upload one combined scan/document in which you have included both the original Degree Certificates.
- Transcript of Records for the Bachelor's Degree
+ an official translation when requiredUpload a scan for the original.
If your Bachelor's Degree is a combination of two or more different degrees, upload one combined scan/document in which you have included all the original Transcripts of Records.
The following elements must be included in the Transcript/s of Records:
* Original study units for each course
* Original cumulative study units for the degree
* Grades for each course
If one or many of these required elements are missing, you must upload an additional, official statement provided by the university in English, indicating the missing elements.
The original study units for each course as well as the cumulative ones for the degree can also be provided by uploading an official brochure for the programme if these elements are indicated in the brochure.
The additional document/s must be combined together and uploaded to the same section with the Transcript of Records.
- Language Test result
when required
Upload a scan for the test result or a screenshot from your test account.
The result is always electronically verified from the test database.
- Additional educational documents
+ official translations
when requiredUpload a scan for the original/s.
If you have several different documents, upload one combined scan/document in which you have included all the different documents together.
When proving your proficiency in English with another degree apart from the one you are applying with.
When having completed programme-specifically required university-level studies not included in the degree you are applying with.
- Passport or ID card with nationality
Upload a scan for the document or card.
- Finnish Residence Permit Card
Upload a scan for both sides of the card if having one.
When required
- GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result
Only for programmes in Business Administration when required.
Upload a scan for the test result or a screenshot from your test account.
The result is always electronically verified from the test database.
- CV
Upload this compulsory document including your personal data, educational background, work experience, publications, awards or grants, study trips and positions of trust, etc.
A missing CV will lead into the application remaining to be an ineligible one just as it would be with a missing educational document.
- Letter of Motivation
max. 3000 charactersUpload this compulsory document covering the reason for applying to LUT University and the programme Industrial Design Engineering. Tell about your learning goals, role of this Master's Degree in your professional development and about your plans for and after graduation of this Master's Degree.
A missing Letter of Motivation will lead into the application remaining to be an ineligible one just as it would be with a missing educational document.
- Portfolio
Upload a Portfolio as an optional document, limited to eight (8) work samples in which provides samples of your previous study, scientific, work and/or design oriented projects. The works may include sketches, illustrations, technical drawings, computer renderings or photographs.
The work presented in the portfolio must include the title, purpose and year of completion and short description including contribution of the applicant to the work in case the work has been completed in a team.
As for all the documents, .pfd format is also strongly recommended for the Portfolio. Please consider the size limitation of 100 MB for the Portfolio.
- Other documents related to experience or areas of competence related to the programme
Upload academic publications, certificates, competitions or diplomas proving your experience or competence related to the programme.
- Work Certificate/s
All documents combined into only one attachment if having related work experience.Upload only ONE attachment where you have combined all the different original Work Certificates for work experience related to the programme and completed by the end of the application period.
In case of these documents not having been combined into ONE attachment the application will remain an incomplete one and will not be evaluated.
The following elements must be included in the Work Certificate:
Name of the company
Title for the position in the company
Duration of the employment
Start and end date for the employment; in case of the employment still being valid, this must be mentioned as well.
Date for the work certificate having been awarded
Signature and name in writing for the person having awarded and signed the document
Contact details for the person and the company
Work experience only mentioned on a CV or salary slip will not be evaluated.
- Documentation for publications and extracurricular activities
All documents combined into only one attachment if having related publications and extracurricular activities.Upload only ONE attachment where you have combined all the different documents for your publications and extracurricular activities related to the programme and completed by the end of the application period.
In case of these documents not having been combined into ONE attachment the application will remain an incomplete one and will not be evaluated.
- Transcript of Records for LUT Open University or other LUT Pathway studies
If having completed pathway studies in Software Engineering offered by LUT University, upload an official Transcript of Records for them.
Check the required documents under Required documents.
You are responsible for uploading them on your application form as requested.
Details for uploading the documents
You must upload
- scans for the original educational documents
- scans for the other required documents
Educational and other documents uploaded in PDF or JPEG are preferred while the maximum size for an attachment is 1 Gt.
Combine all individual pages for the document in the right order to make one scan for the whole document.
If you have several different sets of documents related to a required document, combine all these sets in the right order to make one full scan that you upload as one attachment as the required document.
Name your documents accordingly, for example:
Degree Certificate - Bachelor
Transcript of Records - Bachelor
Letter of Motivation
Make sure that all the documents are clearly readable ones.
Language for the non-educational required documents
When uploading the non-educational required documents relevant for the evaluation such as for example, Work Certificates that are not originally provided in English. Finnish or Swedish, you must have them translated and upload the translations along with the originals combined into one attachment.
Supplementing your application
In case of your application not being a complete one, we will email you only one supplementary request through Studyinfo after having processed your application. It is your responsibility to supplement your application as requested without any further requests.
You will be able to supplement your application within 14 days from the date of us having emailed you the supplementary request.
The exact deadline for supplementing your application is given in your supplementary request.
No extra documents
Do not upload any extra documents that are not required as they are irrelevant and slow down the evaluation process and are therefore, not appreciated and also automatically ignored by the Admission Committees.
Do not mail LUT University any documents at the time of applying.
What is an unfinished Bachelor's Degree?
- You have not yet graduated = you have not been awarded your Degree Certificate or the Provisional Degree Certificate
Having completed all your studies does not mean that you have graduated unless you have been awarded the Degree Certificate or the Provisional Degree Certificate.
If not being able to upload your Degree Certificate or the Provisional Degree Certificate by the supplementary deadline, you must identify your status on the application form as "not yet graduated".
When applying
- Indicate the estimated date of graduation on your Application Form
- No official statement for the date required from the home university
- Upload your latest Transcript of Records to your Online Application Form
- plus the official translation (when required)
- The Transcript of Records must include the name of the degree to be awarded.
- If not included, an additional statement issued by the awarding university about the name of the degree must be uploaded to your Online Application Form.
If admitted
You must be able to
- Graduate by 31 August 2025
- Provide us with the following documents by email by 31 August 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- Scan for your original Degree Certificate
- Scan for your original Transcript of Records
- Provide us with the following documents by email by 5 September 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- Official translations in English if the original documents are not issued in English, Finnish or Swedish.
- Official translations in English if the original documents are not issued in English, Finnish or Swedish.
If not being able to meet with both the requirements by the given deadlines, you will automatically lose your place without a possibility to reclaim it.
The Admission Committees do not provide any preliminary statements about the required previous studies or about the conversions on the scale of 1.00-5.00 for the arithmetic GPA.
These academic requirements when being part of the admission criteria will only be checked and evaluated at the time of academic evaluation after the application period.
Admission Criteria for Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Economics and/or Business Administration
Completed in a university - all countries
Finland excluded
Including equivalent degrees with different titles but meeting with the following requirements included.
- A minimum of 80 ECTS credits of studies in Business Administration must be included in the degree.
Check the required programme-specific studies!
Having completed a Master's Degree in Economics and/or Business Administration or equivalent at the time of applying or completing it before starting the LUT studies makes you ineligible to apply.
An accepted GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result is required from you if:
- the arithmetic GPA for the Bachelor's Degree being between 3.50 - 4.19 on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00 AND you have the minimum required overall scores for one of the accepted language test results as informed at 'Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration + GMAT or GRE General'
No GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result is required from you if:
- the arithmetic GPA for the Bachelor's Degree being at least 4.20 on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00 AND you have the higher required overall scores for one of the accepted language test results as informed at 'Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration + No GMAT or GRE General'
The required GMAT Exam or GRE General result can be compensated by one of the following:
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Business Administration by a Finnish University of Applied Sciences
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree in any field of study by a Finnish University
- you have been awarded a Master's Degree in a field other than Economics or Business Administration by a Finnish University
The related degree must have been awarded at the time of applying.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences - EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
Finland excluded
- A minimum of 80 ECTS credits of studies in Business Administration must be included in the degree.
Check the required programme-specific studies!
Having completed a Master's Degree in Economics and/or Business Administration or equivalent at the time of applying or completing it before starting the LUT studies still makes you eligible to apply but only when applying with your Bachelor's Degree.
Applicants who have completed a Master's Degree in a University of Applied Sciences with no Bachelor's Degree while the prior degree to the Master's having been completed on a higher secondary or secondary level are not eligible to apply.
An accepted GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result is required from you if:
- the arithmetic GPA for the Bachelor's Degree being between 3.50 - 4.19 on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00 AND you have the minimum required overall scores for one of the accepted language test results as informed at 'Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration + GMAT or GRE General'
No GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result is required from you if:
- the arithmetic GPA for the Bachelor's Degree being at least 4.20 on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00 AND you have the higher required overall scores for one of the accepted language test results as informed at 'Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration + No GMAT or GRE General'
The required GMAT Exam or GRE General result can be compensated by one of the following:
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Business Administration by a Finnish University of Applied Sciences
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree in any field of study by a Finnish University
- you have been awarded a Master's Degree in a field other than Economics or Business Administration by a Finnish University
The related degree must have been awarded at the time of applying.
Bachelor's Degree in a field other than Business Administration
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
- A minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies completed in Business Administration required
Check the required programme-specific studies!
Having completed a Master's Degree still makes you eligible to apply, but only when applying with the Bachelor's Degree.
An accepted GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result is required from you.
The required GMAT Exam or GRE General result can be compensated by one of the following:
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Business Administration by a Finnish University of Applied Sciences
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree in any field of study by a Finnish University
- you have been awarded a Master's Degree in a field other than Economics or Business Administration by a Finnish University
The related degree must have been awarded at the time of applying.
Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
- The degree must be equivalent to a corresponding Finnish Bachelor's Degree regarding the number of academic years and ECTS credits.
- The degree must provide eligibility for applying to university level Master's studies in the country where the degree was awarded in.
Requirements for the degree-awarding university
- The university must be recognized by the national education system in the country in question
- The university must be listed on the World Higher Education Database WHED by International Association of Universities
The Admissions Committee for the programme always reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
To be eligible to apply, you must have completed the following previous relevant studies related to the programme by the time of submitting your application.
- Business Analytics
- a minimum of 40 ECTS credits of studies in Mathematics, Information Technology, Information Processing, Statistics, Operations Research and Management Science relevant to the programme
- A minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies completed in Business Administration must also have been completed
- International Business and Entrepreneurship
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in International Business, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship or International Management
- International Marketing Management
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Marketing, International Marketing or International Business
- Strategic Finance and Analytics
- a minimum of 70 ECTS credits of studies in Finance, Accounting or Economics relevant to the programme
- Any irrelevant studies will not be counted. The admission committee reserves a right to decide on priority basis which is based on the principle that Finance and Accounting studies are given preferences. e.g. if your degree contains major courses in Economics then those will not be counted if Finance and Accounting studies are below 40 ECTS credits.
International Business, Marketing and Management related courses are not relevant for this programme.
- Any irrelevant studies will not be counted. The admission committee reserves a right to decide on priority basis which is based on the principle that Finance and Accounting studies are given preferences. e.g. if your degree contains major courses in Economics then those will not be counted if Finance and Accounting studies are below 40 ECTS credits.
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Research Methods (Analytics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Information Processing or Information Technology) relevant to the programme
- The basic-level courses in Mathematics and Statistics courses are not counted. Priority is given to courses that are related to Applied Business Research (i.e. Data Analytics, Applied Mathematics/Statistics, Operational Research, and Software Programming).
- a minimum of 70 ECTS credits of studies in Finance, Accounting or Economics relevant to the programme
- Supply Management
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Supply Management, Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Marketing or International Business
You must list your courses in English on your application form as indicated on your Transcript of Records plus, upload an official Transcript of Records in English for your studies.
Requirements for the programme-related studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The Admissions Committees for the programmes reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
You must meet with all the following requirements when applying
- with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
without GMAT Exam or GRE General Test
To prove your language skills, you must have one of the following:
- TOEFL iBT 101
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
MyBest Scores accepted.
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
- IELTS Academic 7.0
- IELTS Online accepted.
- IELTS One Skill Retake accepted.
- PTE Academic 72
- PTE Academic Online accepted.
- Cambridge English: C1 Advanced Pass on level A, B or C
- Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency Pass on level A, B or C or Level C1 Certificate
- a degree in higher education completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
- a degree in higher education completed in Finnish or Swedish in Finland
The language tests are valid for two years from the date of taking the test.
Tests taken earlier than on 1 October 2022 are not accepted.
The arithmetic GPA for the degree you have to apply with must be
- a minimum of 4.20 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
The arithmetic GPA evaluated in the LUT selection process is
- an arithmetic average of grades for all individual courses included in the degree you have to apply with that
- are completed at the time of applying
- have been evaluated on a numeric grading scale
- are listed on the official Transcript of Records
Only in cases where some individual courses are combined into a bigger module on the Transcript of Records including only one total grade* for all the courses included in the module and with no individual evaluation for the included courses available, the combined total grade will be included in the arithmetic GPA.
Grade for the Final Thesis is included in the arithmetic GPA while failed grades are excluded from it.
Courses without a related study unit such as ECTS credit, credit, credit hour etc. are excluded from the arithmetic GPA even if the course having been evaluated on a numeric grading scale.
Courses completed outside the degree as well as courses included in the degree that have been credited or compensated are excluded from the arithmetic GPA unless the degree-awarding university having graded them on a numeric grading scale.
All the courses included in the arithmetic GPA must be listed on the official Transcript of Records for the degree you must be applying with.
The arithmetic GPA will be first checked and verified by LUT University and in case of the original grading scale not having been on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00, the arithmetic GPA will be converted by LUT University on this scale during the evaluation process. Finally, the arithmetic GPA with two decimals will be evaluated.
You must meet with all the following requirements when applying
- with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
with GMAT Exam or GRE General Test
To prove your language skills, you must have one of the following:
- TOEFL iBT 90
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
MyBest Scores accepted.
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
- IELTS Academic 6.5
- IELTS Online accepted.
- IELTS One Skill Retake accepted.
- PTE Academic 62
- PTE Academic Online accepted.
- Cambridge English: C1 Advanced Pass on level A, B or C
- Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency Pass on level A, B or C or Level C1 Certificate
- a degree in higher education completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
- a degree in higher education completed in Finnish or Swedish in Finland
The language tests are valid for two years from the date of taking the test.
Tests taken earlier than on 1 October 2022 will not be accepted.
An accepted GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result with the following minimum required score is required from you.
- GMAT (Focus Edition)
- Total score 515
- GMAT Exam (10th Edition)
- Total score 550
- GRE General Test
- Verbal Reasoning 152 + Quantitative Reasoning 152 + Analytical Writing 3.0
We also accept GMAT Online Exam and GRE General Test at Home.
The results for the GMAT and GRE tests are valid for 5 years from the date of taking the test.
The result for the GMAT or GRE test must be valid on the date of submitting the application.
The required GMAT Exam or GRE General result can be compensated by one of the following:
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Business Administration by a Finnish University of Applied Sciences
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree in any field of study by a Finnish University
- you have been awarded a Master's Degree in a field other than Economics or Business Administration by a Finnish University
The related degree must have been awarded at the time of applying.
- LUT only accepts electronic GMAT Score Reports made available in their Score Report Database to
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
- Before taking your GMAT Exam you may select up to 5 GMAT-accepting programmes/institutes to receive your Official Score Report
- You may also send extra score reports for extra cost
Further information: GMAT Test: Sending Your Scores.
GRE General Test
- LUT University only accepts electronic GRE Test Score Reports that are made available in their Score Report Database to
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT - institutional code 2382
- Before taking your GRE test, you may select up to 4 GRE-accepting insititutes to receive your scores.
- You may also send extra score reports for extra cost.
Further information: GRE Test: Sending Your Scores.
The arithmetic GPA for the degree you have to apply with must be
- a minimum of 3.50 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
The arithmetic GPA evaluated in the LUT selection process is
- an arithmetic average of grades for all individual courses included in the degree you have to apply with that
- are completed at the time of applying
- have been evaluated on a numeric grading scale
- are listed on the official Transcript of Records
Only in cases where some individual courses are combined into a bigger module on the Transcript of Records including only one total grade* for all the courses included in the module and with no individual evaluation for the included courses available, the combined total grade will be included in the arithmetic GPA.
Grade for the Final Thesis is included in the arithmetic GPA while failed grades are excluded from it.
Courses without a related study unit such as ECTS credit, credit, credit hour etc. are excluded from the arithmetic GPA even if the course having been evaluated on a numeric grading scale.
Courses completed outside the degree as well as courses included in the degree that have been credited or compensated are excluded from the arithmetic GPA unless the degree-awarding university having graded them on a numeric grading scale.
All the courses included in the arithmetic GPA must be listed on the official Transcript of Records for the degree you must be applying with.
The arithmetic GPA will be first checked and verified by LUT University and in case of the original grading scale not having been on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00, the arithmetic GPA will be converted by LUT University on this scale during the evaluation process. Finally, the arithmetic GPA with two decimals will be evaluated.
You must meet with all the following requirements when applying
- with a Bachelor's Degree in a field other than Business Administration
To prove your language skills, you must have one of the following:
- TOEFL iBT 90
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
MyBest Scores accepted.
- TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL Enhancements and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition accepted.
- IELTS Academic 6.5
- IELTS Online accepted.
- IELTS One Skill Retake accepted.
- PTE Academic 62
- PTE Academic Online accepted.
- Cambridge English: C1 Advanced Pass on level A, B or C
- Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency Pass on level A, B or C or Level C1 Certificate
- a degree in higher education completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
- a degree in higher education completed in Finnish or Swedish in Finland
The language tests are valid for two years from the date of taking the test.
Tests taken earlier than on 1 October 2022 are not accepted.
An accepted GMAT Exam or GRE General Test result with the following minimum required score is required from you.
- GMAT (Focus Edition)
- Total score 515
- GMAT Exam (10th Edition)
- Total score 550
- GRE General Test
- Verbal Reasoning 152 + Quantitative Reasoning 152 + Analytical Writing 3.0
We also accept GMAT Online Exam and GRE General Test at Home.
The results for the GMAT and GRE tests are valid for 5 years from the date of taking the test.
The result for the GMAT or GRE test must be valid on the date of submitting the application.
The required GMAT Exam or GRE General result can be compensated by one of the following:
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Business Administration by a Finnish University of Applied Sciences
- you have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree in any field of study by a Finnish University
- you have been awarded a Master's Degree in a field other than Economics or Business Administration by a Finnish University
The related degree must have been awarded at the time of applying.
- LUT only accepts electronic GMAT Score Reports made available in their Score Report Database to
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
- Before taking your GMAT Exam you may select up to 5 GMAT-accepting programmes/institutes to receive your Official Score Report
- You may also send extra score reports for extra cost
Further information: GMAT Test: Sending Your Scores.
GRE General Test
- LUT University only accepts electronic GRE Test Score Reports that are made available in their Score Report Database to
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT - institutional code 2382
- Before taking your GRE test, you may select up to 4 GRE-accepting insititutes to receive your scores.
- You may also send extra score reports for extra cost.
Further information: GRE Test: Sending Your Scores.
The arithmetic GPA for the degree you have to apply with must be
- a minimum of 3.50 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
The arithmetic GPA evaluated in the LUT selection process is
- an arithmetic average of grades for all individual courses included in the degree you have to apply with that
- are completed at the time of applying
- have been evaluated on a numeric grading scale
- are listed on the official Transcript of Records
Only in cases where some individual courses are combined into a bigger module on the Transcript of Records including only one total grade* for all the courses included in the module and with no individual evaluation for the included courses available, the combined total grade will be included in the arithmetic GPA.
Grade for the Final Thesis is included in the arithmetic GPA while failed grades are excluded from it.
Courses without a related study unit such as ECTS credit, credit, credit hour etc. are excluded from the arithmetic GPA even if the course having been evaluated on a numeric grading scale.
Courses completed outside the degree as well as courses included in the degree that have been credited or compensated are excluded from the arithmetic GPA unless the degree-awarding university having graded them on a numeric grading scale.
All the courses included in the arithmetic GPA must be listed on the official Transcript of Records for the degree you must be applying with.
The arithmetic GPA will be first checked and verified by LUT University and in case of the original grading scale not having been on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00, the arithmetic GPA will be converted by LUT University on this scale during the evaluation process. Finally, the arithmetic GPA with two decimals will be evaluated.
Admission criteria for Communication Sciences
Bachelor of Communication Sciences
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
Bachelor of Communication Sciences
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences, EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
Finland excluded
Bachelor's Degree in a field other than Communication Sciences
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
Applicants having completed a Master's Degree are eligible to apply but only when applying with the Bachelor's Degree.
Applying with a Master's Degree is accepted only if the Master's Degree having been completed before the two-tier degree system when there were no separate Bachelor's Degrees awarded.
Applying with a combination of a 2-year Bachelor's + 2-year Master's Degree completed in certain countries is accepted when the combination of these two degrees is equivalent only to a Finnish Bachelor's Degree.
Applicants who have completed a Master's Degree in a University of Applied Sciences with no Bachelor's Degree while the prior degree to the Master's having been completed on a higher secondary or secondary level are not eligible to apply.
Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
- The degree must be equivalent to a corresponding Finnish Bachelor's Degree regarding the number of academic years and ECTS credits.
- The degree must provide eligibility for applying to university level Master's studies in the country where the degree was awarded in.
Requirements for the degree-awarding university
- The university must be recognized by the national education system in the country in question
- The university must be listed on the World Higher Education Database WHED by International Association of Universities
The Admissions Committee for the programme always reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
To be eligible to apply, you must have completed the following studies at the time of applying:
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies supportive to Communication Sciences
What studies are included in studies supportive to Communication Sciences?
Communication Sciences, including for example:
- Communication, International / Intercultural / Organisational / Political / Community / Environmental Communication, Journalism, Information studies, Media studies
Social Sciences, including for example:
- Human-Technology Interaction, International Relations, Political Science, Peace and Conflict studies, Sociology, Social Psychology, Environmental Sciences, Research Methods
Human Sciences, including for example:
- Anthropology, Language and Literature of a particular country, Cultural studies, General Literary studies, General Linguistics
Economics and Business Administration, including for example:
- Management studies, Organisational & Corporate Communication, Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship
Requirements for the programme-related studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The Admissions Committees for the programmes reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
- 3.00 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
Further information on how the arithmetic GPA is evaluated under 'Arithmetic GPA evaluated in the process'.
You must prove your proficiency in English language with one of the following:
- one of the accepted language tests
- a degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
Further information: How to prove your proficiency in English language
Admission criteria for Social Sciences
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences, EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
Finland excluded
Bachelor's Degree in a field other than Social Sciences
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
Applicants having completed a Master's Degree are eligible to apply but only when applying with the Bachelor's Degree.
Applying with a Master's Degree is accepted only if the Master's Degree having been completed before the two-tier degree system when there were no separate Bachelor's Degrees awarded.
Exception: Applicants having completed or completing a Master's Degree in Social Sciences in Finland before starting the LUT studies are not eligible to apply.
Applying with a combination of a 2-year Bachelor's + 2-year Master's Degree completed in certain countries is accepted when the combination of these two degrees is equivalent only to a Finnish Bachelor's Degree.
Applicants who have completed a Master's Degree in a University of Applied Sciences with no Bachelor's Degree while the prior degree to the Master's having been completed on a higher secondary or secondary level are not eligible to apply.
Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
- The degree must be equivalent to a corresponding Finnish Bachelor's Degree regarding the number of academic years and ECTS credits.
- The degree must provide eligibility for applying to university level Master's studies in the country where the degree was awarded in.
Requirements for the degree-awarding university
- The university must be recognized by the national education system in the country in question
- The university must be listed on the World Higher Education Database WHED by International Association of Universities
The Admissions Committee for the programme always reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
To be eligible to apply, you must have completed the following studies at the time of applying:
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies supportive to Social Sciences
What studies are included in studies supportive to Social Sciences?
Social Sciences and Humanities, including for example:
- Political Economy, Economics, Political Sciences, Social Psychology, Sociology, Administrative Sciences, Philosophy, History, Anthropology, Human geography, and Communication sciences and Media studies
Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, including for example :
- Computational Social Science, Social Data Science, Human-Technology Interaction
Economics and Business Administration, including for example:
- Management studies, Organizational & Corporate Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and closely related
Requirements for the programme-related studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The Admissions Committees for the programmes reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
To be eligible to apply, you must have completed the following studies at the time of applying:
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies supportive to Social Sciences
What studies are included in studies supportive to Social Sciences?
the following studies are for example, included as supportive studies to Social Sciences for this programme:
Administrative Sciences, Human Geography, Philosophy, Economic or Social History, Management and Organisational studies, Political Communication, Political Economy, Political Sciences, Science and Technology Studies, Social Policy, Social Work and Sociology.
Requirements for the programme-related studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The Admissions Committees for the programmes reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
- 3.00 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
Further information on how the arithmetic GPA is evaluated under 'Arithmetic GPA evaluated in the process'.
You must prove your proficiency in English language with one of the following:
- one of the accepted language tests
- a degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
Further information: How to prove your proficiency in English language
Admission criteria for Technology
General eligibility regarding the degree
- Bachelor of Science in Technology or closely related to Technology
Completed in a University - All countries
Finland excluded
Programmes with a specific field of study required
For certain programmes there is a requirement for the Bachelor's Degree having been completed in the field of study for the programme.
- Materials Science and Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Bachelor's Degree in the field of Mechanical Engineering is required.
Further information: Fields included in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree in the field of Mechanical Engineering is required.
- Electric Transportation Systems
- Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering is required.
- Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering is required.
Programmes with additional fields of study accepted
For certain programmes, there are also additional degrees accepted in a field other than Technology in addition to the degree Bachelor of Science in Technology degree or closely related and completed in a university.
- Global Management of Innovation and Technology
Management of Organisational Development- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or Economics
Completed in a University - EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, Finland excluded - Bachelor of Business Administration
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences - EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, Finland excluded
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or Economics
- Innovation and Logistics
- Bachelor of Science in a field other than Technology/Engineering
Completed in a University - All countries, Finland excluded
- Bachelor of Science in a field other than Technology/Engineering
- Industrial Design Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences - EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. Finland excluded
For example, fields such as Industrial Engineering and Management as well as Business Technology included. - Bachelor's Degree in Design/Industrial Design
Completed in a University - All countries, Finland excluded
- Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
- Digital Systems and Service Development
Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
Software Product Management and Business- Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering or in Computer Science or in Information Technology
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences - All countries, Finland excluded - Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics or in Business Information Technology
Completed in a University - All countries, Finland excluded - Bachelor of Business in Business Informatics or in Business Information Technology
Completed in a University of Applied Sciences - All countries, Finland excluded
- Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering or in Computer Science or in Information Technology
- Sustainability Science and Solutions
- Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences
Completed in a University - All countries, Finland excluded
- Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences
Regarding to the degrees mentioned above
Applicants having completed a Master's Degree are eligible to apply but only when applying with the Bachelor's Degree.
Applying with a Master's Degree is accepted only if the Master's Degree having been completed before the two-tier degree system when there were no separate Bachelor's Degrees awarded.
Exception: Applicants having completed or completing a Master's Degree (diplomi-insinööri) in Finland in the same degree programme/field of study of the intended LUT Master's programme before starting the LUT studies are not eligible to apply.
Applying with a combination of a 2-year Bachelor's + 2-year Master's Degree completed in certain countries is accepted when the combination of these two degrees is equivalent only to a Finnish Bachelor's Degree.
Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
- The degree must be equivalent to a corresponding Finnish Bachelor's Degree regarding the number of academic years and ECTS credits.
- The degree must provide eligibility for applying to university level Master's studies in the country where the degree was awarded in.
Requirements for the degree-awarding university
- The university must be recognized by the national education system in the country in question
- The university must be listed on the World Higher Education Database WHED by International Association of Universities
The Admissions Committee for the programme always reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Chemistry, Development of Chemical Processes or Processing of Biomass
- Typically taken as part of a degree in Chemistry, Technical Chemistry, Wood Processing Technology, Environmental Technology or similar
Food Processing Technology
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies supportive to Food Processing Technology
- Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Food Technology; typically completed as part of a degree in Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering, Food Chemistry, Food Technology or closely related
Chemical Engineering in Energy Transition
Water Technology
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Process Engineering and Environmental Technology
Electric Transportation Systems
- an amount of studies in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Power Electronics and/or Electrical Drives considered and deemed to be sufficient for the programme by the Admissions Committee.
Studies in Information Technology are not to be included in Electrical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering
- an amount of studies in Electrical Engineering considered and deemed to be sufficient for the programme by the Admissions Committee.
Studies in Control Technology, Automation and Embedded Systems can also be included - but studies in Information Technology are not to be included in Electrical Engineering.
Global Management of Innovation and Technology
Management of Organisational Development
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Industrial Engineering and Management, Information Technology, Mathematics or Statistics
Innovation and Logistics
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Industrial Engineering and Management, Economics, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, Mathematics or Statistics
Digital Systems and Service Development
Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
Software Product Management and Business
- a minimum of 24 ECTS credits of studies in Software Engineering, Software Production, Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems, Information Systems Science, Business Informatics, Business Information Systems, Data Processing Technology, Business Systems and Analytics, Business Systems Design, Programming, Databases or Data Science
Requirements for the programme-related studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The Admissions Committees for the programmes always reserves a right to decide whether the degree and the completed studies provide the applicant with eligibility to apply to the programme.
There is a minimum arithmetic GPA required for the degree you must apply with and the requirement is a programme-specific one.
Further information on how the arithmetic GPA is evaluated under 'Arithmetic GPA evaluated in the process'.
3.50 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
- Electrical Engineering
- Global Management of Innovation and Technology
- Innovation and Logistics
- Management of Organisational Development
3.25 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
- Materials Science and Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
3.00 on the scale of 1.00 - 5.00
- Biorefineries
- Chemical Engineering in Energy Transition
- Food Processing Technology
- Water Technology
- Electric Transportation Systems
- Industrial Design Engineering
- Sustainability Science and Solutions
- Digital Systems and Service Development
- Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
- Software Product Management and Business
You must prove your proficiency in English language with one of the following:
- one of the accepted language tests
- a degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country or in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States of America
Further information: How to prove your proficiency in English language
The first step is to check the technical eligibility for your application.
LUT Admissions Services will check that your documents are uploaded as requested and check your proficiency in English as soon as possible after you have submitted your application.
You will receive an email from us through StudyInfo about either your documents having been accepted or a request to supplement your application within 14 days.
Your personal deadline for supplementing the application is given in your supplementary request.
If not able to supplement your application by the given deadline as requested, your application will be discarded as an incomplete one while only the complete applications are forwarded to academic evaluation.
If your application is a technically eligible one it will be forwarded to academic evaluation done by the admissions committee for the programme.
The academic evaluation is based only on the educational documents.
There are no additional documents required and there are no interviews included in the evaluation process.
If your application meeting with the academic requirements for the programme, you will be automatically admitted as long as there still seats available for the programme through Early Admission.
If your application is a technically eligible one it will be forwarded to academic evaluation done by the admissions committee for the programme.
The academic evaluation is based only on the educational documents.
There are no additional documents required and there are no interviews included in the evaluation process.
If your application meeting with the academic requirements for the programme, you will be automatically admitted as long as there still seats available for the programme through Early Admission.
If your application is a technically eligible one it will be forwarded to academic evaluation done by the admissions committee for the programme.
The academic evaluation is based only on the educational documents.
There are no additional documents required and there are no interviews included in the evaluation process.
If your application meeting with the academic requirements for the programme, you will be automatically admitted as long as there still seats available for the programme through Early Admission.
If your application is a technically eligible one it will be forwarded to academic evaluation done by the admissions committee for the programme.
Programmes with interview included
If your application meeting with the academic requirements for the programme you will be invited to an interview.
The interview is done through the RecRight video interview system or through an online interview by for example, Teams or Skype.
An invitation for the interview will be emailed through the RecRight system or directly by email in other cases. Remember to check your email regularly for a possible invitation plus your junk mail as well if necessary.
- Global Management of Innovation and Technology
- Innovation and Logistics
- Management of Organisational Development
- Sustainability Science and Solutions
To get admitted into these programmes you must reach at least a minimum of 50% for the maximum points for the interview.
- Industrial Design Engineering
The elements for evaluation for this programme are exactly the same as for this programme in Regular Admission.
The final admission decision in this programme is based on the interview only.
Programmes with no interview included
- Electric Transportation Systems
- Electrical Engineering
- Biorefineries
- Chemical Engineering in Energy Transition
- Food Processing Technology
- Water Technology
- Materials Science and Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
When applying to these programmes a technically eligible application will automatically lead into admission.
Programmes with no interview included but
with a minimum requirement for total points for the evaluation process
- Digital Systems and Service Development 9,99
- Software Engineering and Digital Transformation 12,5
- Software Product Management and Business 12,0
For these programmes, a technically eligible application reaching at least the minimum points indicated will automatically lead into admission.
The elements for evaluation for these programmes are exactly the same as for them in Regular Admission but with a difference that there are no different admission groups in Early Admission:
- Regular Admission - Digital Systems and Service Development
- Regular Admission - Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
- Regular Admission - Software Product Management and Business
Note: Regarding the points given for a ranking position for the awarding university, we follow THE 2024 Overall Ranking List in Early Admission while in Regular Admission, THE 2025 Overall Ranking List will be followed as it was released after Early Admission already having been started.
You will receive your admission decision
- on 22 November 2024 at the latest
The admission email will be sent to the email address indicated on the application form.
Remember to indicate an email address that will be valid throughout the whole admission process.
The Admission Committees for the programmes complete the evaluation process as soon as possible and their work will not be disturbed by any possible requests for speeding up the process.
LUT Admissions Services is not able to provide you with any updates on your evaluation process - you will be informed about your admission decision as soon as it is ready to be released.
If admitted
If admitted, you will be informed about your admission decision with an official admission email by LUT Admissions Services.
- The admission email begins with a Certificate of Admission
- No additional document emailed or mailed for the admission decision
The official admission email is accepted by Finnish Immigration Services as a proof for your admission when applying for a residence permit.
If not having or never had a Finnish ID number, you will receive an email from StudyInfo on the same date at 8 p.m. (UTC+2) when having received your official admission email. The email includes a personal link through which you will log into MyStudyInfo.
If having or once had a Finnish ID number you will log into MyStudyInfo through Finnish e-identification methods.
In Early Admission, you must always confirm the offered place
- within 21 days of having been sent the official admission email
Your personal deadline will be informed on your official admission email.
Not following the given deadline will automatically lead into losing your place without a possibility to reclaim it.
If required to pay a tuition fee, we offer you
- an Early Bird discount of EUR 6 000
when paying the remaining tuition fee of EUR 7 500 for the first academic year - within 21 days of having been sent the official admission email
Your personal deadline will be informed on your official admission email.
Confirming your place by the given deadline without paying the Early Bird price for the tuition fee will automatically lead into losing the Early Bird discount and your right to study.
You may still request your right to study to be reactivated with a request emailed to LUT Student Customer Service at opinto@lut.fi and by paying the full tuition fee plus an extra fee of EUR 35 (2024) or EUR 50 (2025) for reactivating your right to study.
According to this national provision you may only confirm one offered place leading to a higher education degree in Finland for the same semester.
Confirm your place after being certain that it is the one you wish to go for as the first place confirmed will also be your final choice.
You will not be able to change it anymore or accept yet another place by first cancelling the previous one.
Further information: StudyInfo - One Study Place Per Term Provision.
Enroll for the academic year at My Studyinfo
- by 30 April 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- When NOT having a Finnish personal identity code or never had one
- enter My Studyinfo through the same personal link you entered it for confirming your place
- If having or once had a Finnish personal identity code
- enter My Studyinfo through one of the Finnish e-identification methods
The enrolment must be finalized by paying the compulsory Student Union membership fee by the given deadline.
After having ticked your enrolment option you will be able to move on to paying the Student Union fee which can be paid either via online banking or by credit card.
Further information: eLUT - Enrolment for the academic year for new students
Problems with enrolling? Contact LUT Student Customer Service at opinto@lut.fi
Not following the deadline will automatically lead into losing your right to study.
You may reclaim your right to study and request for a late enrolment
- by contacting LUT Student Customer Service at opinto@lut.fi
and paying an extra fee of EUR 35 (2024) or EUR 50 (2025) for a late enrolment in addition to the compulsory Student Union Membership fee.
If having completed the degree you applied with in a country other than Finland and admitted, you are required to provide us with the following documents for the degree that you had to apply with
- Degree Certificate
- Transcript of Records
- plus the official translations in English for the documents whenever the original language of the documents not being English or Swedish.
The form of verification for the documents and the way of delivering them depends on the following issues:
- the country where you had completed that degree in
- whether you are able to have your documents electronically verified or not
- whether you are already residing in Finland or not
Go carefully through the options given and follow the instructions for the option valid for your case.
** The documents cannot be delivered to LUT University in person **
We must receive the hard copies for the educational documents by mail or to receive the codes/passwords for electric verification by email by the deadline of
- 31 May 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
Place lost if documents not provided as requested
Your place will be automatically lost without any exceptions for not having been able to meet with the requirement that is an official part of the admission process in case of:
- the required documents as requested not reaching us at Lappeenranta Campus by mail by the given deadline OR
- the student not providing us with the codes and/or passwords needed for the electronic verification process through a separate email as requested by the given deadline OR
- the documents not meeting with the given requirements for certification as requested
There are four different ways to provide us with the certified documents as requested while mailing us the documents being the only possible way for most of the admitted students.
Go carefully through the options given and follow the instructions for the option valid for your case.
The way of delivering your documents is not a choice that you choose upon your own preferences but a choice that you need to follow according to a fact that it is a choice that is a valid one for your case.
For example: You have completed your Bachelor's Degree in Pakistan, you have no option for electronic verification as described and you do not reside in Finland
>> Your only option is to mail us copies for your educational documents that have been certified according to the country-specific requirements.
1. Mailing LUT University, Lappeenranta Campus the certified copies
Mailing (not emailing) us the copies (not originals) that have been certified as requested is the most required method for document verification.
See the detailed instructions for the certification according to the country where you completed your degree in.
African countries, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam - DEGREE COMPLETED IN COUNTRIES WITH NO COUNTRY-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS
Mailing address
LUT University
Admissions Services / Master's programmes
Yliopistonkatu 34
Tel: +358 29 446 2111
Customs notification
We do not declare anybody's documents from the customs.
To avoid your documents to get stuck in the customs, clearly indicate the contents as documents and do not indicate any monetary value on them when mailing them.
In case of your documents get stuck in the customs for any reason, you are responsible for actions required for them to be re-delivered to LUT University.
2. Electronic verification by the awarding university
In case of the degree-awarding university providing you with a possibility to electronically verify your educational documents, it is an alternative way to provide us with the required documents instead of mailing us the hard copies.
This option is available for degrees completed in any country as long as the documents bear either a digital verification element on them and/or they are verifiable from an official online verification system.
If able to have the documents electronically verified by the awarding university, you must separately provide us with the documents bearing the digital verification elements and/or provide us with the codes and/or passwords needed for the verification process by email after having been admitted but by the given deadline for the verification.
NOTE: It is not enough for the electronic verification process that the documents bearing the digital verification elements and/or that the codes and/or passwords have been mentioned on the documents uploaded to the application - they have to be specifically addressed to us through a separate email.
Emailed copies without any true electronic verification element and/or codes and/or passwords needed for the verification process are not accepted.
3. Electronic verification by Digitary
Regardless of the country where the degree was completed in, we also accept documents electronically verified through Digitary.

4. Certification by Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV)
Regardless of the country where the degree was completed in, it is also possible to have the educational documents certified by Digital and Population Data Services (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto, DVV) if already residing in Finland and mail us the certified documents by the given deadline.
Further information: Notarisation process
Mailing address
LUT University
Admissions Services / Master's programmes
Yliopistonkatu 34
Tel: +358 29 446 2111
If the university having awarded you the degree you applied with is located in the listed countries and there is no option for an electronic verification and you are not already residing in Finland, you must follow the country-specific requirements for providing us with the required documents.
- African countries
- Bangladesh
- China
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Malaysia
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Vietnam
For each one of these listed countries there is a special way of providing the documents that must be fully followed.
Whenever the original educational documents not issued in English or Swedish, official translations in English are required in addition to the documents in original language.
If the university having awarded you the degree you applied with is located in any other country except for the ones with country-specific requirements and there is no option for an electronic verification and you are not already residing in Finland, you must choose one of the following methods (1-2) for official certification for providing us with the required documents.
Whenever the original educational documents not issued in English or Swedish, official translations in English are required in addition to the documents in original language.
1. Official certification by the awarding institution
The easiest way to get officially certified copies for your original documents is most likely to turn to the awarding university and have them provide you with the certified copies according to the given specifics:
- Copies are taken from the original documents
- Copies include each page of the original documents
- Copies bear an original stamp of the awarding institution
on each page of the document- a generic stamp "Certified true copy" is not accepted
- Copies bear an original signature of the certifying officer
Photocopies without an official certification will not be accepted.
2. Official certification by legalisation
If not able to have your educational documents officially certified by the awarding institution, you can get them officially certified through a process called legalisation.
Legalisation is divided into two different methods depending on whether the country where the degree was awarded is a signatory to the Hague Convention of 1961 or not.
A. Apostille
Apostille Certificate is required if the degree was awarded in a country that is a signatory of the Hague Convention of 1961.
An Apostille Certificate can be done by stamping the document with a specific Apostille stamp or, on a separate Apostille Certificate.
B. Legalisation
Legalisation is required, if the degree was awarded in a country that is not a signatory of the Hague Convention of 1961.
- The first legalisation for the document must be done by the Foreign Ministry of the degree-awarding country
- The second legalisation for the document must be done by a Finnish Embassy or Consulate to that country having completed the first legalisation.
Whenever the original educational documents not issued in English or Swedish, official translations in English are required in addition to the documents in original language.
What is an official translation?
- Issued by the awarding institution
- An officially certified copy of a translation issued by the awarding institution
- Translated by an official translator
- An officially certified copy of a translation made by an official translator
Each translation must bear the translator's stamp and/or signature.
The official Diploma Supplement in English will be considered as a translation for the Degree Certificate as well.
If having applied with an unfinished Bachelor's Degree and having been conditionally admitted, you must graduate by
- 31 August 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
and email LUT Admissions Services scans for your original Degree Certificate and the final Transcript of Records in a way that we receive them by
- 31 August 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
Scans for the official translations for these documents (when required) must be received by email by
- 5 September 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
The rule for the conditionally admitted students applies to all students, regardless of the country where the degree having been awarded.
Not following the final deadline will automatically lead into losing your place without a possibility to claim it back.
In addition to not having provided us with the required documents as requested by the given deadline leading to revoking an offered place, the place will also be revoked if the student having provided LUT University with any inaccurate or misleading information regarding the educational background at the time of applying that has an impact on the admission decision.
The information for the place being revoked will also be forwarded to the related Finnish authorities.
After having been admitted, supplementary studies may still be assigned at the time of making the personal study plan if necessary.
The scope of any possible supplementary studies depends on the previous education and the educational background compared to the studies included in the programme in order to meet with the requirements set for the degree and for the graduation.
The maximum scope of any possible supplementary studies is 60 ECTS credits while these studies not being included in the 120 ECTS credits completed for the Master's Degree.
Info package for the new degree students
Remember to go through the check list regarding to starting your studies at
Tuition fee and scholarships
EU/EEA citizens
Citizens of Switzerland
Holders of a Finnish residence permit card with a certain status
- No tuition fee
Studies are tuition-free for nationalities within the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.
Non-EU/EEA citizens
- Tuition fee of EUR 13 500 per each academic year
Citizens of the non-EU/EEA countries (excluding Switzerland) must pay a tuition fee.
Further information: Tuition fee.
In Early Admission, we offer
- Early Bird discount of EUR 6 000 for the first academic year
The offered place must be confirmed and the rest of the tuition fee EUR 7 500 paid within 21 days from having been emailed the official email for being admitted.
- LUT Scholarship of EUR 6 000 for the second academic year
if successfully having completed a minimum of 60 ECTS credits of studies in your personal study plan.
Further information: Early Bird discount and scholarships
For more information on the conditions regarding the tuition fee, please see