Internationalisation at the core of LUT University
LUT has a strong and wide-ranging partner network throughout the world. Our partners complement our key areas of expertise, adding value through joint research and education projects and creating world-class opportunities for student and staff mobility. LUT is a member of several international associations and networks on different themes in education and research.

EULiST - European University collaboration
EULiST is a European University Alliance established by ten member universities, LUT being one of them. The name EULiST comes from the slogan "European Universities Linking Society and Technology". EULiST is one of the fifty universities involved in the European Universities Initiative.

LUT Brussels
LUT has an office in Brussels with the aim to enable operating as a member of different associations, improve already existing networks and find new ones, increase international visibility, influence future framework programmes, and increase LUT's external funding.
Internationalisation incorporated in research and education

Maintaining a balance between the environment and humans is a challenging task, which offers immeasurable possibilities for research on new solutions that will lead to a better future. Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology and business. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal.

Universities traditionally focus on research and education. This is also the case at LUT. The university's world-class research provides students with the latest information in their field and guarantees current knowledge when they enter the world of work. LUT graduates are equipped with capabilities to enhance their knowledge base in an ever-changing professional environment.

Solutions to global challenges with collaboration

Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. We are one of the top universities in the world for climate action.

International Associations and Networks
LUT is a member of several international associations and networks. European University Association (EUA), Top International Managers in Engineering (T.I.M.E. Association) and Network of the Rectors and Deans of the Technical Universities in the five Nordic countries (NORDTEK) are among the most important ones.
International Associations and Networks
LUT Business School
The LUT Business School educates problem-solvers of the future and produces solutions that promote sustainable business. Its education and research focus on sustainable business renewal. The school supports companies and the public sector by means of scientific research that produces knowledge and solutions also for the development of companies and societal decision-making.
LUT School of Energy Systems
The LUT School of Energy Systems' areas of expertise are energy engineering, electrical engineering, sustainability science and mechanical engineering. The school's experts conceptualise, develop and realise the future. Modern power systems are a combination of resolute and creative product development, versatile design and simulation, as well as techno-economically efficient production.
LUT School of Engineering Science
The LUT School of Engineering Science is a solution-focused partner that serves business and industry. The school has high-level international expertise in the fields of separation, purification and process technology, green chemistry, machine vision and pattern recognition, industrial mathematics, different branches of physics, software engineering and industrial engineering and management.
Contact us

Maija Kuiri

Anne Makkonen