These terms and conditions of use are in effect from February 7, 2023. LUT Academic Library reserves the right to update the rules as and when needed.

1. Libraries

LUT Academic Library is an academic library that is open to public. It has two campus libraries, one in Lappeenranta and one in Lahti.

2. Right of use and customer’s obligations

Library collections, services, premises, and equipment are available for all who agree to comply with these terms and conditions. Use of services or premises may be restricted if necessary. If a customer does not comply with the library terms and conditions, their borrowing rights or other user rights may be suspended for a fixed term. Library customers register by giving the required information which is stored in the library customer database. The students and staff of LUT and LAB are automatically registered as library customers giving them access to the e-collections.

The students and staff of LUT and LAB can use a digital library card via the Tuudo application. If necessary, a physical library card can be received at the library service desk during the service hours by presenting an official identity card.

Customers outside of LUT or LAB can register as library customers by filling a customer data form and picking up the library card at the library service desk during the service hours. A photo ID must be presented when collecting the card. The library card is personal. If the card is lost, the card owner must inform LUT Academic Library about it without delay.

The card owner is responsible for use of the card and for the materials borrowed with it. The customer is also responsible for informing the library about changes in their contact information (e.g. name, address, e-mail).

The customer has a right to check their personal data in the library customer database in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation. The file description is available on the organization’s web page.

The library is not liable for damages to third parties caused by using its materials or equipment.

3. Services

Borrowing material, renewals and placing reservations as well as interlibrary loans require a customership of LUT Academic Library. Customers may use materials in the library without borrowing. During opening hours, library premises and services are open to all. Outside opening hours, only LUT Group students and staff are authorized in the library.

LUT Academic Library customers may use the available digital material (like books and journals) according to the license agreements and terms of conditions.

Loan periods for the different library collections vary. The library reserves the right to change loan periods and restrictions to the collection. If the loans are not returned or renewed on time, the library customer is charged a late fine according to the currently valid library price list. The customer will be notified of overdue loans.

The customer’s borrowing rights are forfeited if the fines exceed the limit set in the currently valid price list. Accrued fines can be paid by signing into Primo. We strongly advise you to pay the accrued overdue fines before the customership ends or, if the customership continues, by the end of January of the following year. After the last overdue notice, the customer will be invoiced for the unreturned loans and for the unpaid fines. The invoice is collectable. The library customer is responsible for loss or damaged library materials and must compensate or replace them according to the currently valid library price list.

Overdue fines are charged even if renewals online have failed due to technical malfunctions, such as an interruption to online services. Undelivered e-mail or other electronic notices of impending due dates are also considered technical malfunctions, i.e. fines are charges even if the notices remain undelivered.

Library material can be requested through the web service. The customer will be notified when the requested material arrives at the library. The customer may not request material, that they have currently on loan.

Interlibrary lending service delivers material from other domestic or foreign libraries. Original or copied material, which is not available in the LUT Academic Library or other local libraries, is delivered to the customer on request. LUT Academic Library may restrict interlibrary loans from its collections to other libraries. Interlibrary loans and other materials are available to the customers according to the rules set by the lending library. Interlibrary loans are charged according to the currently valid price list.