LUT-yliopiston viestintätieteiden tutkijatohtori Visa Penttilä Lappeenrannan kampuksella.
Created 16.5.2024
Updated 16.5.2024

What are the current hot topics of communication sciences?    

Communications research is multidimensional and follows the phenomena of its time, such as digitalization and its impact in different contexts. The multifaceted interaction between organizations and different actors in the past few decades offers interesting research avenues. 

What is on your desk right now? 

I spend most of my time writing research papers and collecting and analysing new research data. In addition, I’m planning courses for the next academic year and carrying out pedagogical studies that help develop my teaching.  

How did you end up on an academic career path? 

Towards the end of my master's studies, the idea of working at a university started to feel natural because I was interested in research and had felt at home at two different universities. My teachers also encouraged me to stay in the academic world. 

What do you enjoy most about your work? What would you like to change? 

Making discoveries through research and confirming that students have learned new things are the best part of academic work. Those experiences help navigate the uncertainties and challenges of the academic world. 

LUT-yliopiston viestintätieteiden tutkijatohtori Visa Penttilä Lappeenrannan kampuksella
Communicative processes help us better understand human activity in organizations and society.
Visa Penttilä
Post-doctoral researcher, communications sciences

What do you hope everyone would understand about communication? 

Communication is a way to organize activity. It's not merely a way to relate events that have happened – it means creating social reality. We need to pay attention to communicative processes because they help us better understand human activity in organizations and society

Who or what has recently inspired you? 

The music by the group Yawning Man. It helps me transcend the everyday cares of the world. 

How do you unwind after work? 

Strength training helps me focus on the physical foundation of research work. Also, reading fiction is a change of pace to academic literature and helps see the world in a different way. 

Tell us something few people know about you. 

I've completed bachelor’s studies in art history. Understanding the humanities on a wider scale offers tools for communications research. 

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