The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has prompted many companies to explore its potential for enhancing their operations. This was true also for Näkemystehdas MBE, a marketing and communications services provider based in Lahti. While the company recognized AI’s ability to streamline internal processes and elevate customer services, implementing the technology brought up several challenges and questions.
"At MBE, we’ve been considering which solutions would best address our needs. During a seminar hosted by the Lahti Industrial Society, I spoke with Tero Rantala, a researcher at LUT University, and we realized this would be an excellent topic for a student project," says Antti Pohja, Communications Strategist at MBE.
Thereafter, two students from LUT's international programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, Jazen Cordero and Valtteri Östberg, took on the assignment to study how MBE and similar companies could best utilise AI from different perspectives. The students negotiated their final topics with MBE to combine the needs of the company and their own interests.
"Brainstorming with MBE was really helpful in defining the final research question. As a result, we found a mutually interesting research topic on how to approach AI in a way that would benefit the company," says Östberg.
Streamlining processes and enhancing customer insight with AI
Cordero's thesis explored how MBE could use artificial intelligence to simplify its internal operations. For example, the company had several software applications in which data was entered manually. The project enabled the company to integrate these systems using AI, reducing the number of repetitive tasks, and enhancing communication across teams.
"As a result, we were able to find a set of ready-made, easy-to-use and affordable tools that do not require any special technical skills. They help to manage repetitive tasks, make better forecasts and streamline internal communication," says Cordero.
Östberg, on the other hand, explored the potential of AI in marketing data analysis. This provided MBE with a more reliable means of analysing customer behaviour and extracting relevant information more effectively, enabling better-targeted marketing. The work also included a plan for when the company should start utilising AI.
"For small and medium-sized companies with limited staff and resources, it is especially important to understand how to do things efficiently. AI provides companies with tools to become more competitive, develop better products and provide better information to customers and decision-makers," Östberg points out.

Student projects provide companies with new insights and better tools
According to Rantala, students' thesis projects give companies the opportunity to explore and test new ideas. Students also gain valuable learning experiences that they can use in their future career.
"In the case of AI, few companies are able to adopt the latest technologies and practices offering new opportunities and added value. Students bring an understanding based on the latest research and fresh ideas for business development," he says.
The student theses focusing on MBE are among the first bachelor's theses in the international programme in Industrial Engineering and Management in Lahti. Rantala states that LUT wants to build long-term cooperation and find new forms of collaboration between companies and students.
"Student projects can be tailored to company’s needs, and the English-language programme ensures that students have excellent language skills. These projects are also an excellent opportunity for students to see the company as a potential employer, and during several months, the company also gets a good idea of the student as a possible future employee."
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How can companies make the best use of AI?
The student theses provided MBE with a lot of valuable knowledge about the use of AI. Minttu Murtomäki, MBE's CEO, advises companies to make the most of the opportunities offered by student theses and AI.
"AI is evolving so fast these days that it can be hard to keep up. Student projects bring up-to-date information and new perspectives, challenging us to look at our work from new angles," she adds.
Similarly, Östberg encourages companies to look deeper into AI solutions. He also instructs them to consider less well-known AI methods such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.
"The range of options available is much wider than the individual cases in the surface of social media and public discussions. Companies should delve thoroughly into the various tools to find the best suited to their needs to get the most out of their data," he says.
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